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Posts posted by tito

  1. NorthPark Center’s shrewd move: How supermodel Linda Evangelista lured our Rob Brinkley to Dallas.



    Why FD’s editor ever moved to Dallas has a lot to do with Linda Evangelista — supermodel, phenomenon, mall pitchman


    That face! That hair! That stare. If I had any doubts about moving to Dallas, Linda Evangelista blew them away with that billboard. It was 1992, and I was here visiting one of my best pals from back home in northern Kentucky. In showing me her Dallas, she wanted to take me to NorthPark Center. As we sailed down Central Expressway, something sublime yet shocking appeared on the horizon: the unmistakable — marvelous, magnificent — visage of Linda Evangelista, arguably the most famous face of the time. She was on a towering billboard, cropped from the neck up, all copper-red hair, blue eyes and smolder. “NorthPark,” trumpeted the text. “Dallas’ finest shopping.” Evangelista was so larger-than-life that the top of her head rose beyond the top edge of the sign. A jumbo billboard couldn’t contain the greatness that is Linda E. — and I couldn’t breathe.



    I was, you see, and may still be, the No. 1 fan on the planet of the Canadian supermodel. I’d been captivated by her editorial spreads and her ad campaigns for years. If Evangelista was on a magazine cover, I bought two copies, just in case something happened to one. If Evangelista endorsed a product, I begged all my female friends to buy, buy, buy. I clipped out every mention of her, every photo, every quote. I had it bad for Evangelista and still do. It’s more than just her once-in-a-lifetime looks: It’s her quest for the best. “I devote everything to making sure we get that final, perfect shot,” she says in the new Harper’s Bazaar Models book. “I just want a good, new, exciting image at the end of the day.”

    So, now, imagine that your biggest crush is suddenly staring at you, enticing you to come to NorthPark Center. You go to NorthPark Center. And imagine that once inside, the news gets even better. There was Evangelista, vamping and vixen-ing all over the place. Big signs. Mall directories. Everywhere. It was a dream sequence for a Linda lover — only this was no dream. My friend had to hold me up. Once composure returned, only two clear thoughts came: 1) I never thought I could actually love a mall. 2) This Dallas must be one OK place. I grabbed about, oh, 27 of NorthPark’s directory pamphlets — Linda-laden — for the eventual trip home. I couldn’t wait to tell fashion-crazed friends about the incredulous, expensive things they do in Dallas. (Famously, Linda wasn’t cheap.) By the end of 1993, I was filling out a change-of-address form at the Independence, Kentucky, post office. Almost 22 years later, I have an obsession and an association: I see or think about NorthPark and I see and think about Linda Evangelista. I’m worse than Pavlov’s dogs. At least they could breathe.That’s my girl.

    BELOW: Exclusive to FD, more shots of Linda Evangelista for the NorthPark Center campaign, photographed by the one and only Patrick Demarchelier












  2. Linda Evangelista on MyHabit’s “Give With Style,” Philanthropy, and the CFDA


    One of the most successful models of all time, and perhaps the most famous of Supermodels, there’s no denying Linda Evangelista’s profound impact on fashion. As both the face of and inspiration for designers and brands in the world, her collaborations with the best photographers are ingrained in fashion iconography.

    Recently, Evangelista graciously offered her support to MyHabit x CFDA but change photo to Linda’s in that piece]’s “Give With Style” campaign, which offers CFDA Member’s merch at  discounts with at least 75 percent of the purchase price from each sale supports CFDA’s charitable initiatives via the CFDA Foundation.

    Here, CFDA.com talked to the model, mother, and fashion icon about the campaign, charity and her favorite CFDA memories.


    — Marc Karimzadeh

    CFDA.com: How important is charity and philanthropy to you, and what are some of the causes that are especially dear to you?


    Linda Evangelista: “Charity and philanthropy are EXTREMELY important to me–and always have been. I’ve been a longtime supporter of amfAR and the Elton John AIDS Foundation, and LGBTQ issues and breast cancer research are very dear to me.”


    CFDA.com: Specially, what appealed to you about being this year’s face of the MyHabit “Give With Style” campaign?


    L.E.: “The fashion industry has continued to embrace me throughout my career, so when I was asked if I would participate in the MyHabit  ‘Give With Style’ campaign, I immediately said yes. I think it is such an ingenious and fun way to support causes near and dear.”


    CFDA.com: Where there any highlights/favorite moments for you on the shoot?


    L.E.: “I always love meeting and working with new people, so meeting the MyHabit team was a lovely moment.”


    CFDA.com: Is there one piece from the shoot that you have set your eyes on?


    L.E.: “One? No…but if you asked if there were ‘several’ pieces I liked, then I would have to plead guilty.”


    CFDA.com: You are a friend of the CFDA and have attended many Fashion Awards. What’s your favorite memory from them?


    L.E.: “My favorite recent memory was being asked to present a Lifetime Achievement Award to Tim Blanks. Fashion writers and critics are often the unsung heroes in our industry, and they have such a wealth of knowledge about the history of fashion and the gift to see that a current collection has its roots or has been influenced by a collection that came 10 or 20 years earlier. I think that’s such an important part of fashion–that is sadly often overlooked.”



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