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Posts posted by harrypotterlvr3

  1. Found this on youtube today. Don't know if it's been posted, but it's a commercial for the U-Shape Bra.

    (i don't know how to post videos on here, but if you click the image there's a link to the youtube video, and there's a link under the picture just in case)

  2. Thanks so much for posting all of these! I've been seeing her in Delia*s for the past few years, and I always wondered what her name was. I even kept all the issues as a reminder to figure out her name :p Now I know!

    She is so pretty.

  3. ^It wasn't an excerpt.. it was the entire thing. Kanye himself said, "It's not a music video, it's a moving painting." The video is only 1:34, but the full song is 4:52.

    I liked the video, love the song, and I think that Irina looked gorgeous. I love Kanye as an artist & I appreciate the fact that he is willing to take risks with his career and not just play it safe.

  4. I think it really depends. Some people just can't pull it off when the shirt doesn't cover their butt, but some people can. You have to know what flatters your body in order to make it work.

    However, I don't mind if people wear leggings with a long shirt, or with a shirt that's made to be worn with leggings. If it's a short shirt, then like I said before, it depends, so I'll just vote yes.

  5. I looove Kingsley, he is so funny. I want him to be my best friend :p

    I agree with him, though. I can't stand Airplanes, California Girls, Ridin' Solo, and basically anything by Ke$ha...

  6. Oh, and since CR recently debuted the number 7, I'd like to share my thoughts about him wearing the jersey.

    I personally don't mind Cristiano getting number 7. Raul is SO much more than a number. Evidently, Raul has left a legacy at RM, and letting someone else have his number isn't going to change that. His accomplishments and achievements aren't going to vanish because someone else is wearing his number. Raul said that the 7 shirt has been worn by great players before him, and should be worn by great players after him. They can't retire numbers in La Liga, and someone has to have it, so why not Cristiano? It's not like he forced Raul out of the position and said "Gimme Gimme Gimme; I want I want I want; mine, mine mine". Clearly, Cristiano respects Raul, and has had nothing but good things to say about him. He said that he's admired Raul since he was a young child, and he's thankful that he had the opportunity to play with him. He never said anything negative about Raul or expressed an intention to somehow disgrace him. Raul has also said that he was impressed with Cristiano's work ethic, and that Cristiano is an inspiration for him to work harder. I don't know why Raul would have a problem with Cristiano wearing the number, especially if there is no bad blood between them at all. They respect each other a lot.

    He was asked about it in a press conference and gave an honest answer. No one else has expressed an interest in taking the number (at least not that I know of), so again, why not Cristiano? Every player has a number that is special to them, and number 7 is special to Cristiano, so of course he would want it. Back at Manchester United, he was placed in the exact same situation, but he clearly didn't disappoint and lived up to expectation. He understands what is going on and has been in this position before. He had a successful first season with RM, worked very hard, and has proved himself time and time again. He has the ability and the skill, he is world class. As long as Cristiano wears the number with respect and honor (which I'm sure he'll do, as he's done it in the past), then I don't see the problem.

  7. Its not photoshoped, there are more pics like that from the rooftop time. He is just weird when it comes to fashion. Whats new?

    I realize that this was said some time ago, but he didn't paint his nails as a "fashion statement." To be blunt, the majority of rugby & football players paint their toe nails, because they're disgusting to look at. They get really messed up from playing all the time, so they paint them. I would rather see black nail polish than nasty toe nails.

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