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Posts posted by rockstar14

  1. If she doesn't want people to speculate/gossip about her love life then she might want to stop being so obvious. :/

    Quotes like this don't help:

    To the left, to the left; If u want to leave be my guest, you can step.)

    So its over. He's with someone else and u know her and u just can't get any lower- Year of the Gentleman

    And notice she's the only one saying anything about it. He's just doing his thing and saying nothing. (<- seems like the right approach to me) Miss Shaik no more sharing every little issue you have with the world . . . lrn2 public persona better or people are going to stare. :no:

    I agree. She needs to stop with the quotes. He dosen't do it. She fuels the fire. Tyson dosen't care, he will find himself another Shanina, he is Tyson Beckford at the end of the day, and dated plenty of models before her. By using twitter to vent, she is either just releasing her frustration, or doing it for attention. She will be following him again next week anyway.

  2. Is he? I rarely pay attention to him. How is he sleazy towards them? :shock: :ninja:

    He always gets all these girls tweeting him and he flirts with them, even tells them to DM (direct message) him. Shanina is better without him. Only when Shanina booked VSFS he started to acknowledge her on twitter as his girlfriend, pretty sad

    The shots with Russell James were only a test apparently, she ended up shooting the catalogue with someone else apparently. That's why in the group shot there are no well known names, this was only a test to see what the girls look like when shooting catalogue before they actually did it

  3. she did an interview :)

    she is going to New York soon, can't wait to see what she can do

    Philippa Gleeson is a major face to watch in Australian modeling. She's got the same sunny smile and dreamy eyes as Miranda Kerr, but with a beguiling indie charm that's disarming in its unpretentiousness. A relative late-comer to the modeling game, Gleeson had a stellar first season at RAFW this year, and her agency are eyeing her for the international market. We caught up with her to find out a little bit more.

    When you were scouted on the streets of Melbourne last year, what were your first thoughts?

    First thoughts when scouts approached me? Not really something that I was interested in. A bit of a foreign concept. But here I am now and it's great!

    Had you ever considered modeling as an option before that?

    No, it was never something that crossed my mind growing up but I've found myself doing it now, so I'm just going with it and enjoying the opportunity!

    You walked 17 shows at RAFW, including some of the week's best. Were there any stand outs? Any outfits you walked in you'd love to wear personally?

    Every single show during the week was really incredible! The Lover show was particularly beautiful. Everything about it was really amazing. I would wear the entire collection. The Dion Lee show was pretty spectacular too. Being at the Opera House with the Harbour view behind us was really apt for such a collection.

    What have been some of the biggest surprises since you started modeling? What does and does not match up to your expectations of what the industry would be like?

    Every job I get is a pleasant surprise really! I'm just grateful to be working because it's pretty competitive and there's a lot of other models out there. I'm not sure if I ever conjured up any expectations before I started. I tend to take it day by day and not hold expectations. That could make you a little insane!

    How do you spend your time when you aren't modeling?

    On my days off you'll find me with my boyfriend... A very special person!

    There's talk of you going overseas pretty soon, can you tell us a bit about where you'll be going and where you hope to end up?

    Yeah I think that will be New York, which I'm really excited about. That's always been a place I've wanted to go so to be able to go there for work is pretty cool.

    There are already comparisons being drawn between you and Miranda Kerr. Does she have the sort of career you'd be interested in developing? How would you feel about modeling putting you in the public eye?

    There is? Well she's extremely successful and seems like a really nice person so that's a nice compliment. I don't really feel like modeling puts you in the public eye unless you are a celebrity model like her, so that's not something I have to worry about!

    How did you keep yourself occupied backstage this fashion week?

    Well usually it was just a massive rush from one show to the next so the stress of that was what would occupy my mind... Otherwise just having fun with the other girls.

    Were you nervous taking to the catwalk, particularly in the swim shows you booked? Did you have any tricks to psych yourself up?

    No it was all fun. I did get a little nervous before the Zimmermann show though because it was the first show of the week. Swim shows definitely trigger nerves more so than the others but nothing compared to how the designers are feeling I'm sure. I always think, "Oh their parents are probably out there watching... So I can't let them down!

    Did you have a favourite show soundtrack this season? What sort of music do you listen to normally, and is this different from the kind you like to walk to?

    I thought the live music at the Ellery show was really great because the majority used soundtracks. I have a pretty eclectic taste in music but a day doesn't go by for me without me listening to The Strokes


    interview + pics from thevine

  4. My test with Phillipa at Priscillas. As you can probably tell I've run out of ideas for names of these tests so its going to be lines from my favourite songs from this point on, can you guess the track? No cheating.

    Anyway, Phillipa is a total babe and has a really bright future ahead of her. 5'11 with incredible long lines, hopefully we'll see her gracing the global runways next season. The two of us managed to score loads of great shots in the couple hours we spent together. I've decided to make it a priority to get loads of headshots for models in future tests because these are really the hardest images to gain in your portfolio and the most valuable. The front of any models card needs that essential striking beauty shot and without it, its tricky to garner the right kind of attention.


    source: zanitazanita.blogspot.com

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