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Everything posted by Roxee

  1. There was a sighting of Bar in Tel Aviv this past weekend. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...F183%2F303.html * Bar Refaeli ripping the Tel Aviv. This weekend was sitting with three friends at Orna and Ella Absnekin. Diners instead of did not understand if the group back in childhood that these chairs have begun to play the game. Rafaeli was spotted replaces more than eight times the place and sat on a chair every time another. And while companies munchies the sweet potato pancakes known of the place, Refaeli enjoyed the salad modest, as befits an international model that needs to maintain her figure. Just a thought -- maybe Bar is remaining in Israel right now in order to celebrate Hanukkah with her family this year. It starts this Wednesday (Dec 1) at sundown.
  2. Thanks for the answer, fashiondream! I hope we see some new pics of Bar soon.
  3. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody in the US (and to those outside the US too!) Thanks for all the great Bar photos that have been posted. Are these first three photos of Bar and Leo old ones or new ones? I really don't know and since it mentions they were taken on a Thursday, I thought I would ask. http://celebritypicturessite.info/?p=354&a...content=Twitter
  4. Thanks for posting the photo from the newspaper Adira. Here is Bar's photo from the Greenpeace exhibit that I posted about a few days ago. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...3D%2F%2F1758660. Even buried in coal she looks beautiful. Another article http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...D%2F5%2F1758697
  5. There is a sighting and a photo of Bar in Tel Aviv in Monday's (Nov. 22) edition of the Israel Hayom newspaper. Here is the link to the translated article http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...php%3Fid%3D8962. It says that Bar was walking with friends at Yarkon Park yesterday and when she spotted the photographer she hid her face and ran to her friend's car. The newspaper's 11/22/10 digital print edition contains the photo that goes with this article. I can't seem to post a direct link, but you can find it this way. Go to this link http://digital-edition.israelhayom.co.il/O...F2010%2F11%2F22 and click the yellow arrow to get to the last page (page 48). There is the photo of Bar in her cute pink athletic shorts and matching shoes. She looks really fit. If you click again on the photo you can enlarge it. Hope this makes sense!
  6. Fashiondream, thanks for the articles you posted. This article said that Bar remained in Israel, but who knows how accurate that is. I guess time will tell whether Bar is in Israel or somewhere else. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...D7%26cat%3D1001
  7. Coal-Clad Celebrities Take Part in Greenpeace Israel Exhibition Karen Chernick | November 14th, 2010 Israeli celebrities pose for coal-clad glamor shots in order to protest the construction of a new coal-burning electric plant in Ashkelon. Celebrities can often use their star power for good, such as drawing attention to a worthy cause. About a year ago, Lebanese celebrities made a statement about transportation by biking down a green carpet to a movie premiere. In Israel, Karnit Goldwasser (widow of abducted IDF soldier Ehud Goldwasser) turned her celebrity status into something green by hosting a segment on a television show about environmental issues. Now a group of 15 Israeli celebrities and public figures have joined up with Greenpeace Israel and decided to use their stardust to help save the environment. The 15 stars – which include global supermodel Bar Refaeli, actor Moshe Ivgi, musicians Mosh Ben Ari and Achinoam Nini, and former Israeli Environment Minister Yossi Sarid – all posed for a photo shoot in which they were covered (or smothered) in coal. The harsh and stark imagery is intended to convey the celebrities’ protest against the construction of a new coal-burning power plant in Ashkelon, a campaign that Greenpeace Israel has been pushing for some time now. The photos will be displayed in an exhibition at a stylish downtown design studio in Tel Aviv, Kastiel, which opens next week. The opening, which is sure to be glamorous (and hopefully eco-friendly as well?) will be attended by current Israeli Environment Minister, Gilad Arden. Here is the link for this article http://www.greenprophet.com/2010/11/greenp...ael-exhibition/ . There are two older pics of Bar on the top of the article, but is the person in the coal poster supposed to be Bar? She doesn't look like Bar to me. ???
  8. Bar's mom and Leo's mom shop at a flea market in Tel Aviv, along with Bar's younger brother. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...pId%3D978777604
  9. Photo of Bar and Leo in Israel along with her dad, taken on Monday in Caesarea. Too bad we can't see their faces. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...90%25D7%2595%2F
  10. We can go weeks without any news about Bar, then when it rains, it pours! Thank you so much katchitup and palmina84 for the really exciting news about Bar's photos in Harper’s Bazaar. She looks absolutely incredible in them. And thanks to Adira and bigmax for the gorgeous photos that you posted.
  11. It sounds to me like Leo's mom and Kevin pulled a ruse on the paps today and lured them away from Bar and Leo. The photographers followed them because they thought Kevin was Leo. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...77604&twu=1
  12. Yes, it's true. Here's an article about Bar and Leo arriving back in Tel Aviv Sunday evening, their trip last week, and their plans for this coming week. http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3984277,00.html Another article http://www.mako.co.il/entertainment-celebs...p;pId=978777604 Another http://news.walla.co.il//?w=/0/1755590 Tweets about Leo in London = NOT TRUE (N)
  13. Now this is weird. Leo was supposedly spotted in London today, but the live tweets coming from the AmericanCinematheque event in Hollywood said that Scorsese is in London and Leo is in Tel Aviv. Leo is in tel aviv and he saw his parents in the audience at the Egyptian.however Marty is trapped in a Buster Keaton silent says Leo 21 minutes ago via Mobile Web http://twitter.com/Sidgrauman This is interesting if it is true that Leo is currently in Tel Aviv. How did Bar and Leo sneak back into Israel without the press finding out?
  14. Fashiondream, that news about Leo confirms these tweets from a couple hours ago. He was spotted in London (Claridges Hotel) and perhaps Bar is there with him? http://twitter.com/benjiiiman # @cravengossip just to let you knows mr dicaprio is in town just seen him walking into claridges . about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® @benjiiiman Thanks Ben! Did you speak to him? Lpppppppl about 2 hours ago via Echofon in reply to benjiiiman @cravengossip yeahh. He's here for the titanic exhibition going on at the O2, he said he's got a thing for history lol about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® I'm guessing he will also be hitting the museums this week, this would be the second time I've met him, about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
  15. Another article about the visit. http://www.mako.co.il/entertainment-celebs...p;pId=978777604
  16. Thank you so much michal for the article confirming the tweets. You were quick!!
  17. Twitter rumors - may or may not be true. Supposedly Bar's boyfriend arrived for a visit in Israel today. Attn Bar Refaeli: Leonardo DiCaprio just landed in Israel with flight CO90 with me. about 3 hours ago via ÜberTwitter eladnat Elad Natanson http://twitter.com/eladnat/statuses/898397057847296 @BrentSpiner Leonardo DiCaprio arrived in Israel in secret, he is in central Israel. He is visiting Bar Refaeli. 13 minutes ago via web in reply to BrentSpiner dbg11111 dafna http://twitter.com/dbg11111/statuses/944616182382592 Again, I have no idea if these tweets are true.
  18. Twitter sighting of Bar and Leo at Gatwick Airport (London) today. http://twitter.com/Poppytarnie knew I had taken too many pics on my phone of my gorgeous sons cos what happens when you see a celeb and want to take a quick pic!!! :'( 39 minutes ago via web # If it had been Johnny James and Josie I would have been gutted but it was Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio in Gatwick Airport today <3 34 minutes ago via web Huge glasses and cap trying to be incognito but blimey you could recognise Leo anywhere!! 32 minutes ago via web
  19. Hi Kerri Lynn! I searched for my original post about Bar going to Istanbul. It didn't say she was going to Fashionable Istanbul, it said she was going there for a magazine shoot. I don't know if this really happened, but I suppose it could have since there were some days in September when Bar's whereabouts were unknown. I guess we will eventually find out.
  20. Bar and Leo hit the parties together last night. Leo was also at the Cavalli party even though he wasn't photographed on the red carpet. http://fashion-week.gala.fr/cote-people/jo...e-cavalli/3279/ Translated: The evening promised to be under the sign of exuberance, and the whole world was there people: models, actresses, it girls ... The lucky ones were able to cross Natalia Vodianova, Naomi Campbell, Bar Refaeli, Rachel Bilson, Roxane Mesquida, or Brian Ferry, the young singer Taylor Swift, Ornella Muti, Good Charlotte, Frederic Beigbeder ... Heidi Klum, who never leaves her Roberto, since she was already in his company at the amfAR gala in Italy. And according to our sources very confidential, Leonardo di Caprio himself was there, almost incognito. http://www.idf1.fr/blogjjda/2010/09/30/dic...a-fashion-week/ Translated: Other celebrity news ... Movies! According to my colleague in France Today, the American actor Leonardo DiCaprio the titanic, who won a big success this summer with "Inception" stays currently in Paris with his fiancee, supermodel, the divine Bar Refaeli. The couple checked into a luxury hotel near the Place Vendome, and were seen last night at a celebration of the LVMH group and another organized by the Italian designer Roberto Cavalli at Fashion Week ... Bar and Leo also attended the party for designer Hakaan together. http://www.style.com/stylefile/2010/09/tal...ns-after-party/ Campbell commandeered the best downstairs booth with a perfect view of the dance floor, where she sat with boyfriend, Vladislav Doronin, and Bar Refaeli, the latter keeping an eye on beau Leonardo DiCaprio. (Though Leo, with baseball cap pulled low, wasn’t so much dancing as swaying with the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd.)
  21. Hi all! I found this article that said it is rumored that some curvy supermodels, including Bar, will be modeling during Paris Ready-to-Wear Fashion Week which started yesterday, September 28. I don't know if this rumor is true, but I hope so! Article: http://www.celebutopia.net/2010/09/supermo...s-fashion-week/ Paris shows schedule: http://modeaparis.com/va/collections/2011eppap/index.html I don't know if this is true either, but I saw a Twitter sighting of Bar and Leo in Paris today http://twitter.com/mryEmery/statuses/25892243638 Sur la terrasse du Park Hyatt... Leonardo di Caprio et Bar Refaeli en plein roulage de langues. Ça c'est Paris! translated says: "On the terrace of the Park Hyatt ... Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli deeply kissing. It's Paris!"
  22. Hi fashiondream, you are welcome. That Twitter imposter makes me so angry.
  23. http://www.styleite.com/media/bar-refaeli-...-hungry-models/ Bar Refaeli Did Not Tweet About ‘Hungry’ Models (UPDATED) by Verena von Pfetten | 11:32 am, August 31st, 2010 UPDATE: One Model Management, Refaeli’s agency, told the Huffington Post that neither the Twitter account nor Blog belonged to Refaeli and that the statements were “made by imposters.” I wish Bar's reps would do a better job of getting the word out about this imposter on Twitter. That story about Bar's supposed Twitter yesterday is all over the internet. Edit: Here is the actual statement from One Model Management to Huffington Post: "Ms. Refaeli does not have Twitter or Tumbler account. These statements are made by imposters." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/30/b...-_n_699679.html
  24. http://www.turuncutime.com/news/138/ARTICL...2010-08-13.html This article in Turkish says that Bar will be going to Turkey in September to do a fashion shoot for an American fashion magazine at world famous historical sites in Istanbul. It says she will spend five days there and stay at the Hotel Les Ottomans in Istanbul. It mentions that she visited Turkey for the first time last year when she attended the "Fashionable Istanbul" event in October 2009. EDIT: Hmm, that link seems to be down now. Here's another article with the same news http://haber-gazete.com/gazeteler/1410-bar...5-gun-gecirecek I wonder what magazine the shoot is for?
  25. Thank you for all the photos of Bar on holiday with Leo. She looks absolutely incredible in her pink bikini! Here is an interview with Bar from French Elle. I don't know if it is new but the date is recent. http://www.elle.fr/elle/People/La-vie-des-...8gid%29/1296985 Here is the google translation. A night with Bar Refaeli July 28, 2010 Green space and horses animate Tel Aviv My favorite night is a summer night in Tel Aviv, the city that never sleeps. Tel Aviv is the city of my childhood, the true "beach city" as one can imagine: gay, bright, warm, with many people outside whatever the hour. Stroll through the streets at 2:00 in the morning, you're never alone! Here, the evening, I meet someone I always know it's very different from New York or Paris. I always say it is a rebellious city, very "free spirit". When I am in Israel I live with my parents, who live in a ranch lost in a countryside still pretty wild. My father is a breeder of horses, my mother was a model. When I do not travel to the other end of the world, I find myself with them and my three brothers, Niel (34), Doar (24) and On (14 years). I am the only girl but my first name means "son" in Hebrew! The ranch is one quarter of an hour from Tel Aviv and yet, every time I felt as if thousands of kilometers. There is a green space, horses ... My body and my face are working tools Generally, I go to 20 hours with my friends. These are all high school buddies. I am faithful in friendship. And love, too, if you want to know. But I will say no more! To exit, in general, I am about too. A pair of jeans, a T-shirt and lingerie. I often go shopping in the Fox [note: she is the face] is the Israeli Gap: Neve Tzedek, a commercial area south of the city, or in Sheinkin Street, the main street cool Tel Aviv for shopping. Otherwise, I always wear the same gold bracelets and my gold chain with a heart and a leaf entwined. I never take them off. The report that I have with my beauty and my image? None. It is a question I do not ask me. I am happy to be as I am and to work through my body and my face, I see as working tools. I took my first pictures at age 15 and at age 20, I signed my first contract with Victoria's Secret. And my agent is my mom. It protects me. Recklessness like form of resistance As I am a real disaster in the kitchen, I often dine out. In Kimmel, a rustic table, Tapas One, a stylish tapas bar, or at Zinc, the trendy restaurant of my big brother, Niel, south of the city. It is a French bistro chic. My favorite dish? A plate of falafel, the fried chickpea balls. Yes ... Then it depends on my mood. I can both see a romantic comedy film go out dancing in a club denies. At such times, I'm getting, I think of nothing. Neither in politics nor anything that is happening around me. When I was younger and I went out with my friends, every time we boarded a bus, we were afraid. Fear of bombs, attacks. In recent years, the climate has relaxed, it's less dangerous, I feel safe. I may be familiar, but I feel that Tel Aviv has always looked like this vibrant city, parties, laughter. This indifference is a form of resistance. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. So you live in the moment. Grounded When I get home, around 3:00 in the morning, I read a few pages before falling asleep. Right now, I'm diving into the biography of Joseph Lapid, Israeli journalist and politician who has survived with his mother from deportation, as my Jewish grandparents, all survivors of the Holocaust. He died in 2008 and his son who wrote his life. Navigating between that story and glamor of my job allows me to not take me too seriously and remain "grounded". Feet on the ground.
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