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Posts posted by MyCatJewel

  1. I liked the video, but on mute. I don't like the song, and the video has no connection to the song as it is. If only it were just some short film instead of a video for a loud song with lame lyrics.

  2. 2011 Grammy Awards

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    Call me crazy, but that dress was terrible. She looked like toilet paper attacked her. But she looked beautiful when performing with Eminem. That should have been her red carpet look.

  3. I thought she looked gorgeous at the GG. She's definately bigger but I think she looks better this way then when she was super skinny :) However... I really wish she would try a different hair colour.. The platinum blonde look is starting to get irritating.

    I love Christina, but the weight she gained in her face made her look so unattractive to me that night. The dress did her no favors though, she needs someone to dress her better. She also needs to quit caking on the makeup and bronzer. But I really agree with what you said on her hair. The best she looked to me was with black hair, I hate this blond drag queen weave she sports.

  4. Oh Lara, why are you so perfect? :heart: Here's the editorial she has in the issue, photographed by Mario Sorrenti. And borrowed from TFS (I hope they don't mind!)


    I love the one where she's in Armani. Cheekbones and lips galore! :wub:

  5. Freezing Allure

    Model: Lara Stone

    Photographer: Willy Vanderpere

    Vogue China

    December 2010

    Courtesy push








    I think the editorial is better than the cover. Her face looks weird on the cover, but in all these she's fabulous.

  6. Oh man ever since she was with Marilyn Manson I have admired this woman. She is so gorgeous. I even won a competition on another forum with her, in fact this thread helped supply me with the photos. So thanks for that all! :heart:


    This is one of my favorite photos of her.

  7. David was on a Dutch show recently and Lara was in the audience with her family:

    She looks so gorgeous. And I feel like the more I see David, the more attractive I find him. He's certainly funny, I love "Little Britain" (speaking of there's a few clips from "Little Britain" played in the beginning that may be a bit much, so if you don't like puking or weird nudity just skip over the beginning)

  8. He is just so cute! And why is he so cute children? He's charming! :heart: He has really sweet mannerisms.

    Yes, I would like to breathe your fresh air. :heart:

    And am I alone in not finding him THAT skinny? If you look at him in his younger days he was scrawny, but he's got some nice muscle tone now.

  9. I'll watch once I have time (is supposed to be doing homework right now). I'm sure it is sad, but at the same time it doesn't put me off too too much.


    Beautiful smile. Also, strange compliment, but I love his nose. :laugh: I think he's got a cute shaped nose.


    He looked good in Chris' outfit me thinks.


    This was almost my signature on that forum I mentioned.

    Yeah I don't have much to contribute to his thread, but its something.

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