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Posts posted by Flyin11

  1. I defiantly remember her as Kelly from Saved By The Bell...I use to watch it every Saturday when I was in middle school...That was a long time ago LOL I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen ;) She still was hot in 90210 but I didn't like her character that much :whistle: Even now she still is hot!! :drool: Great pics!! :cool:

  2. Glad I could give you something new ;) After everything that you and everyone else have posted around here that was new to me and gave me, I'm glad I could give back a little to everyone :D

  3. foto211TN.jpgfoto212TN.jpgfoto213TN.jpg

    These are thumbnails so you can click to get the HQ pics :cool: I guess you have to go through PSP7 to actually write the size text on the thumbnails or use photobucket but I didn't have the time or don't use photobucket for that so the pictures are 791 X 1000..Really huge but oh well ;) 2 out of the 3 have watermarks and I'm not skilled in taking them off so there's nothing I can do there..but enjoy!! :cool: These are 3 of my all time favorites...She looks so great in them :D

  4. LOL I have found out that most people love the look she had from season 1 of Dark Angel so I was just trying to stray away from some season 2 pics on some of the other boards I'm on so I just posted that one on there and put it up here :) Plus, a lot of people like her better with her brown/black hair color (I like both...more favor the Honey look myself) so atleast it was a pic where whe still had her regular hair color :p

  5. HQ's of this??

    Sure thing...I just resized them for here...I'll see if I can do the thumbnails thingy when I get home this evening from work...If not, then I'll just put up the links for ya ;) I'm just not sure how much bandwith I have on this certain site from my provider so I might have to check out some info on it...I'll get them up tonight ;)

  6. How do you guys do the pics in thumbnails like that? :huh: I only know how to put them in my site files and post the full pic and have seen them posted in thumbnails like that here and over at Chilax. Thumbnails work better cause you can do a big size pic :cool: Agreed though, nice screenies!! ;)

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