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Posts posted by Sergenius

  1. I'm happy to see people still watch the classics, as well as lots of Cameron Diaz films 😆

    Last movie I watched was Johnnie To's Office, my second viewing. Still rocks, I would love to see it in 3D someday.


  2. I like your thinking, Ed. Who do we need to call to make Nat Gio a reality? 


    They're my two favorites. Obviously.

    post-38877-0-1446067030-44097_thumb.jpg post-38877-0-1446067030-80651_thumb.jpg
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    That's pretty cool! I haven't been doing my Gio homework so the last 10 pages or so are new to me. Rereading my last post I noticed my comment was not particularly flattering to Gio. I love both of these fine ladies' faces.

  3. If the world's leading expert on Carla Ossa matters, I mean Ed obviously, doesn't know when she was born I guess nobody does (other than those who know her, of course). Speaking for myself, I don't trust the Internet, least of all Wikipedia.


    ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Carla!

  4. Thanks for sharing! On the other hand, have you ever come across a truly terrible Carla picture? One which didn't make her good looks justice. I can't recall any in particular. And I swear this is the last question, is Gio still your second favorite ? Was she ever? Somehow in my mind I've made up the thought that if this sad world we live in was even sadder, as in Carla had never been born, Gio would be your Carla of choice. Your #1. Is it so?

    Edit: Wow, that was poorly written...

  5. Gorgeous, she shall follow me everywhere now. Thanks! Now I'm all nostalgic. I would love to know what everyone's favorite Carla picture is. Mine is probably this one, purely for sentimental reasons:


    I believe it was the first time I laid my eyes on perfection.

  6. Hi! I hope you're doing fine, Ed. Yes, the last four posts make it seem as though a Carla army might be a reality sometime soon. This place is great as usual and I feel like giving something back to it, but I wouldn't know where to start so expect some worthless contributions from my part in the meantime.

  7. 10 Films I've seen recently, in order of preference:

    1. Where is the Friend's Home? (Abbas Kiarostami, 1987)

    2. Modern Times (Charlie Chaplin, 1936)

    3. Ghost World (Terry Zwigoff, 2001)

    4. The White Balloon (Jafar Panahi,1995)

    5. The Great Dictator (Charlie Chaplin, 1940)

    6. The Italian Straw Hat (René Clair, 1928)

    7. Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)

    8. Ace in the Hole/The Big Carnival (Billy Wilder, 1951)

    9. Monkey Business (Howard Hawks, 1952)

    10. The Dark Knight Rises (Christopher Nolan, 2012)

  8. Ghost World (2001) is the only one I've seen that I would call great and a personal favorite as well. I won't say Superhero movies can't be entertaining, just not really worth remembering once they are over. Mostly because there have been too many of them for too long.

  9. Sry All, but I'm French and 100% sure that Carla Ossa was talking in French at the very beginning in the above video

    (between 0.00 and 0.06 to be accurate). I can understand in French: "bin ouai, c'est ça, c'est l'accent espagnol" (see

    http://translate.goo...accent espagnol). I was surprised too. She has a really nice French accent.

    My dear friend, I believe you are hearing what you want to hear. That's Spanish!

    For lack of a better tool, let's use this one: http://text-to-speec...translator.net/

    Type this: "a veces, a veces es la excepcion", then set language to Spanish and click the "Say it" button.

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