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Everything posted by Null

  1. Is Eddy a model? This is the first I'm hearing of Eddy...how long did they date? It seems you guys know alot about Doutzen's personal life...
  2. I don't know if someone has asked this question before, but does Doutzen live in NY or Paris or elsewhere?
  3. aww that was the day it was her birthday and she had to work, so they gave her this little birthday cake/tart How can you tell that by these 3 pics?
  4. amen. white beyonce??? Beyonce is hot but Doutzen's beauty transcends hottness!!
  5. Ooh, to be that apple...who else wouldn't mind? me not. i prefer the role of a bag. Damn, I wouldn't mind bein the bag either. I didn't even notice it at first. However, I did notice that pink bottle the guy in the background is holding. I'm not gonna say what I thought that was at first glance
  6. Ooh, to be that apple...who else wouldn't mind?
  7. Her looks are very natural and fresh. It's funny because I can't say that I've ever been a true fan of her's. I always that she was very pretty, and she was one of my favorites from last years VS fashion show, but I've never been completely on the band wagon. However, I must say that with each passing day I'm becoming more and more of a BELIEVER!! I've grown so tired of all these Brasilians that are taking over the industry. I'm seriously bored with them. Miss Kroes, however, is a welcomed change, and I do agree that she's the next Gisele. She definitely has the goods to make it big in this crazy profession...if that's what she wants...G-d I hope it's what she wants
  8. I don't know how it is in Brasil, but I know in many Spanish-speaking countries (and yes I know that Portuguese, not Spanish, is the official language of Brasil) both the mother and father's name is taken by the child. So maybe Barros is one of her surnames. I don't know though. Maybe it's just sloppy research done by the website.
  9. Wow She's absolutely gorgeous!! How recent is this show?
  10. Thanks Benitez Just one question (or anyone who can answer). Does Gisele live in NY or LA?
  11. Can you or someone else post the article because i can't open it? Thanks!!
  12. This question may be a little off topic, and it may have already been discussed, but are her breasts real or does she have implants? In any case, she's so seductive. I mean she's very beautiful and seems to have an equally beautiful personality!
  13. Well clearly she's just one of six! So that ends that debate.
  14. Does this guy have a name? I keep hearing this Helly name or somethin...but who is he?
  15. I think she's actually somewhere around 5'11" so, 127 lbs isn't at all heavy for her.
  16. According to Wikipedia and Celebrity Male Models, Ana is dating a british model named James Rousseau.
  17. You guys don't find Patricia attractive because you're comparing her looks with that of Ana's. IMO, they're both amazingly beautiful. I'm sure those of you who are saying she's unattractive would be like, "damn she's fine" if you saw her on the street (and didn't know of her relation to Ana)!
  18. Indeed, she is cute! I love her! I like that she has a personality (which really comes out in interviews) and actually seems down to earth and normal. She doesn't come off arrogant and intimidating like most models. Izabel is definitely my favorite
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