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Posts posted by lazy01001

  1. 1. Who was your first prom date? Carrie Yancey.

    2. Who was your first roommate? Aaron Pyles.

    3. What alcoholic beverage did you first drink? Budlight, budwieser is better....

    4. What was your first job? Kroger... nonfood department

    5. What was your first car? 1986 Plymouth Horizon

    6. When did you go to your first funeral? When I was very young... my grandpa died of cancer

    7. When did you have your first disapointment? shit, they started so early...

    8. Who was your first grade teacher? I moved around a lot when I was in primary... I htink her name was Mrs. Jones?

    9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Bahamas!

    10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? My buddy Zack....so drunk

    11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? hhmmm. Patrick Mason, not really, he bacame a school band kid, and I started one....

    12. Where was your first sleepover? I think with my cousins down south

    13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? You don't want me to call you on a bad day... Well Carrie doesn't count.

    14. Whose wedding were you in the first time? Just recently, my pal Allen, i was the usher.

    15. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Hit the snooze.

    16. What was the first concert you ever went to? Antiflag!

    17. What was the first CD you ever owned? err.... um... NOFX Pump Up the Valuum

    18. First thread you check when you log onto this forum? Love&sex, just about all of them, er most active.

    19. First Language? Engrish

    20. First tattoo or piercing? My ears, then I got my lip done, then the tattoo

    21. First celebrity crush? Christina Aguilera, and still to this day.

    22. First kiss? Um.. her name was stacey, she took me back in the woods when I was really young, like 7, she was 11, it was awesome.

    23. First "real" crush (meaning a person you know personally--not a celebrity)? Brooke Russel. I havn't seen her in years, I wonder if she still looks good. I dunno, she's not even close to my type though...

    24. First date? Don't have a clue with so many :( fist REAL date was in 6th grade, Brittany Vornberger, lol nice name.

    25. First love? Music

  2. hehe, then stop pressing the subject and I wont have to kick a dead horse. :laugh:

    Haha, from your hand? No, but from a drunken hoe you convince to go bck with you, maybe. Rubbers suck, and htey hurt, but htey kep you from going broke at an early age, and staying that way for 18 years.

  3. bah, taben and his stupid penis joke. I happen to wear mangum XL, I don't know if you've heard of it all the way in france, but it's a very big condom. Enough defending my dick to simi-strangers tho.

    And kev, I can lecture about ANYTHING you can possibly think of. So please, give me a topic.

  4. yea, well I'm not. :p

    6'1".... you should play basketball or something man... And why don't you have a babe? They like tall guys.


    Well actually, I'm not that tall for a guy my generation over here. In my senior year in HS, half the guys in my class were taller than me. And a lot of the girls in my class were close to 5'10". Some were even taller. :p

    I did actually play basketball for a while. I was always better at footie, though.

    Holy shit!! Those are some tall kids!!!!!

    I love football. I was ranked #1 keeper when I played indoor.... But outdoor, I like to play striker, and I'm a dman good fullback if I do say so myself.

  5. No, but that would be awesome! I can't disclose too many details as of right now, because the industry I have chosen has almost NO competition at all, and I would like to keep it that way. But right now, forecloseur rates are soaring, and I'm going to take advantage of that. I just need to get my business license, and get my EIN number, and I'm set... Except I still need to figure out who will be my insurance provider. But moving forward, I have the business plan taken care of, I have an accountant, and I also have 3 other guys under me.... So, it's safe to say that I will soon be a business owner! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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