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Everything posted by Mathetria

  1. Peculiar question, perhaps ... but I've noticed that sometimes Taylor's hair seems VERY curly, other times, rather straight. It looks to me as if he has some natural wave, but is neither curly nor straight without styling. Anybody able to say what texture his hair is naturally?
  2. NO, it's a German name. It's pronounced F-yooks
  3. Another of Taylor and his lovely lady, Mackenzie: He looks very adoring. :-)
  4. http://www.civiles.com/taylor_fuchs New one, I think. :-)
  5. "Odd" is probably the polite term. Taylor is a handsome man, but that picture is, frankly, hideous (imo). It makes me wince. Every once in a while someone does him up in a way that just is not flattering to my eyes. Granted, the more outre styles generally don't fly with me, but I think the nature of his face actually suits more "traditional" looks, or athletic/outdoors, or even slightly scruffy. Then again, I actually like his longer hair and I know some really don't, so I recognize taste is subjective.
  6. I have to say, I sorta like this longer hair, but is my imagination or is Taylor starting to show a bit of hair loss in the classic M-pattern? :-D It makes him look older. He has such a young face, I'm not sure that's a *bad* thing. (Also, while I know models need to be skinny, he could probably add 10-15 pounds and not suffer in the least. He's REALLY thin.)
  7. http://2011.artandcommerceproduction.com/t...uchs-wilhelmina Four recent, lovely images, including two shirtless. :-)
  8. The man does not look REAL in some of these shots. Human beings are not this physically perfect. Photography by Daemien Smith & Christine Suarez, and what a lovely job they did. Brava.
  9. http://homotography.blogspot.com/2010/06/t...tz-mezibov.html There are two additional pictures here from the "Lost" shoot that I've not yet seen released out there. :-)
  10. The full "Stranded" shoot for Black Book is out. Go here: http://www.malemodelscene.net/wilhelmina-models/blackbook/ Some really interesting looks -- and Taylor is attractive even looking at the end of his rope -- although it looks less like fashion to me and more like a photoshoot for "Lost." :-D
  11. Backstage recently in New York for an AIDS benefit, lovely photo by Kevin Tachman. There are a couple of him on the runway as well, but I like this one for a specific reason. I was pondering the photo and it struck me that one of the things I find utterly charming about Taylor is his ability to "turn it off." I know that sounds funny, but this photo illustrates it for me. He can (and does) "make love" to the camera for shoots, and does it well. He radiates intensity, sexiness, etc. But when he's just being photographed like this, he has a delightful *unassuming* flair that I can see in his eyes, as much as anything. The two models in the middle still have the "I'm on camera/gotta look HOT" expression; the guy on the right a bit less so, but ... Taylor looks like a normal guy. He's NOT staring down the camera in particular like he can do in formal shoots. He's just smiling and looks ... normal. I don't know a better way to put it. But he strikes me as someone you could chat with and he wouldn't be checking his reflection (or sifting his words) every few minutes. He'd listen and respond like a regular human being. And to me, that's what makes him so exceptionally attractive -- he neither works at it, nor (more importantly) assumes it. The SuperGene Fairy was Very Good to Taylor. LOL! He's stunning AND interesting looking. But I don't think that's where he stocks his bottles of personal self-worth. And I salute him for the wisdom of perspective on modeling. ;-)
  12. New picture of Taylor, apparently taken on his birthday, to be found here: http://hommetimes.com/2010/05/backstage-at...3-taylor-fuchs/
  13. Very handsome in a classic way! What is that from? As for acting, didn't he say he'd taken some acting classes?
  14. Thank you for these. I wonder what he's reading in that one? I think I like the one of him in the suit jacket best.
  15. This can be found via the link vae victis already posted, but a direct link to the second half of Taylor's interview: http://thefashionisto.com/blog/2010/03/25/...-ii/
  16. I found the following page that is FULL of pictures of Taylor -- many of them are older and we've seen them before, but mixed in were a few I hadn't seen, so some of you may enjoy it. The text is in Russian, however, so I have no idea what the author is actually saying, but a picture is worth a thousand words ... in any language, it seems. :-D http://unknown-body.livejournal.com/132370.html
  17. Yay, Taylor! Model of the month in March, and Canada just took both gold medals in hockey (women's and men's). He should be a happy boy. *heh*
  18. Indeed!!!! I love shots that show his great bone structure and a more "natural" look, like these!
  19. Good luck to Taylor's countrymen in the Olympics. The Canadians did a lovely job with the opening ceremonies.
  20. Even standing next to another male model he's absolutely stunning. Does the boy take a BAD picture? :-D Great bone structure.
  21. Wow, the headshot is lovely! I wish we could see it without the name superimposed. But I had to laugh at the information. First, I thought he was taller than 6'2", and second -- what amused me ... blond? If his hair is blond, mine is pink. *grin* I'd call his hair medium brown in summer, and darker in winter. :-D But that said, I'm still staring at the headshot ...
  22. It's a very good picture of him! Also, is it my imagination or is he looking a lovely tan in all these Fashion Week photos despite it being the middle of winter? Somebody went to a tanning studio, methinks. *grin* (I just hope, for his skin's sake, he doesn't make a habit of it.) Still, it looks very attractive.
  23. Apparently he told us on his profile page that he was going to Paris and Berlin. Yeah, I saw that, but I figured he wasn't doing anything because he was only there for about a day, or less. Where is this profile page? The one on Models.com? I've looked there but didn't see any blog or comments from him at all about what he's doing (or not doing). I don't know of any other currently updated blog or facebook for him (not that's really his). I believe there's an old Myspace page that might be his, but it hasn't been updated in a while. So if there's something I'm missing, please point me. :-)
  24. Lookie, lookie! More of that long hair and a bare chest. http://models.com/mdx/?p=1333 Second-to-last model in the first run. It's too fast and I don't have the equipment to get just his image, but enjoy. :-)
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