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Posts posted by Eos

  1. Translation (not very good sorry but I tried to recover the same meaning) of 'une journée avec Natalia Vodianova' from the ELLE France of the present week.

    06.45 : waking up all of a sudden ! Children have to go to school and we must hurry up. They wake up early, laugh, quarrel. my son Viktor, 4, wakes up my daughter Neva, 7, who wakes up the eldest, Lucas Alexander,11, or it's the contrary. They help me preparing the breakfast. Everyone takes his/her own bowl, spoon. I usually tae a coffee, fried eggs and toasts with cheese, as for children, it's hot chocolate and croissants. They get dressed while I take a shower. I wear a simple dress for my favourite russian designer, Ulyana Sergeenko, with or without tights - depending on the season, and we're ready.

    08.45 : after having brought children to school, I like having a chat with some other parents. I settled in Paris since september. Because of love, but also because of work. As soon as I arrive to my office, in Anjou street, I open my email box, which is full. I contact my working team, in Moscow or London - they take care of my foundation, my image, my contracts and my shootings. Then I start my french lessons. Later on, I read the russian press on the internet, kommersant.ru, snob.ru. I am russian, I remain very attached to my country. My team is russian, we speak russian between us. I had a poor childhood in Nizhni Novgorod, I was noticed by a scout while I was selling vegetables on a market with my mother. I'm not ashamed of it, it is what made me who I am. Today, I help poor children raising founds with my charity foundation, Naked Heart. On my twitter account @NataSupernova, like in real life, I am a mother, a model, and a philantropist !

    1.00pm : I either have a lunch with friends, or I swallow a soup in front of my computer. But not any soup : the pumpkin one from Bread and Roses. If I can, I go to school to pick up the children. When I am abroad for a shooting, I bring them with me, or let them with their nannies. I just simply tell them things, even with a heavy heart : I'll be back in two dodos (don"t know how to translate this one, it means night, or sleep in french in a cute/childish way). And they understand.

    5.00pm : If I can pick them up, when back home, we play to the legos, or to monopoly, and Neva draws. Several times a week, they have russian lessons, piano lessons, tennis, basket lessons, painting lessons. Their timetable is as full as mine.

    8.00pm : After the evil trio "bath+diner+stories, I need something that can cheer me up. I read poems by David Jones, or I re-read the magnificient cartoon "persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi, while listening to music : the XX, the National, or the best one, Johnny Cash. What I love doing with my boyfriend, Antoine Arnault ? Going to art galleries, Seine street, or Lille street, eating french tapas by Joël Robuchon on the Champs Elysées, or take my children to spectacles, shows. I offer many things to my children, I want the best for them. Neva is only 7, but she already came with us to the Palais des Congres to see her first ballet. She fell asleep around midnight, the eyes full of stars. And so did I !

    Small secrets. If everything gets foggy, If I feel a bit sad, I practice yoga. It helps me finding my balance, and perceive the good side of things. I am so lucky. In my office, there is a big portrait of me, it's a bit megalo and egocentric, but the painter who offered it to me is so talentuous...Thanks to the children, I know every single square in Paris, with or without carousel. My favourites ? The tuileries, the Champs-de-Mars, the garden of acclimatation...

  2. I think that saying these pictures are unnecessary or shouldn't be shown is a bit uptight. How an one say one picture is unnecessary, compared to other pictures ? Maybe, if one follows this logic, many pictures should not be published here or anywhere else....Ok Natalia is naked (maybe at least just warn it) but we're not supposed to try to be in her place....I could not do that myself, I know that, but it's her job. We should not be ashamed of her naked body - I understand your feeling that you're embarrassed for her, I as well feel the same, but it was her choice to do that. If these pictures might be found on the internet she and us should not be surprised.

    Then, my deep feeling is that I disagree with her about showing so easily her body. The film perhaps required these types of scenes I don't know...(I read the book and they could have hidden intimate parts, to me). However I won't blame ariti for finding that, it's not her fault, Natalia could have done another choice, by the way thank yo ariti for giving us so many pics.

  3. sunshine, did you think of blinchiki ? (but I don't think it's that cause she appears in a video cooking that so I guess you would have mentioned it)

    Me too I don't see a great difference between J and AA, especially concerning their social background, and respective wealthness (with some differences of course...one is an aristocrat, the other is heir and businessman..). Franckly, I thought, after their breakup, that Natalia would choose a man with a more humble background, and a more human/original at the same time aura.....like an artist, someone who would take her as a muse, someone involved in ONGs or whatever. Maybe it's too predictable and she wanted totally something else. But we don't know everything going on between them, maybe AA has some special qualities, or understand better Natalia...I don't know.

  4. fashionmistake you're right, Natalia is promoting a lot designs by Ulyana Sergeenko. I personally like this style. It's original, romantic....but sometimes, too much is too much..I mean, she shouldn't present so often herself with the total look.

    I would like to see her with longer hair...

    Are there here russian people who have seen Belle du Seigneur on screens ? I know it's already out in Russia.

    Diane, what do you mean by hiding ? You think she's pregnant ?

  5. so, fashionmistake, you saw Natalia, you are very lucky !! I would like to see her too...I don't have much opportunity... I would be very shy and scared too if I met her. She seems involved in very important meetings these days, she truly impresses me. I guess she is very passioned about it all. It's good to see someone not going crazy or vain because of money, glory, she is still humble, helpful, ready to spend weeks in Krymsk, helping her people, in any condition, even married to a billionaire....she is really amazing...not like some others. Sorry :blah: just hope she's not too tired. She should take some holidays.

    I noticed something this morning : I had bought high heels in Russia two years ago, I just see now they are centro shoes, now I love them even more :)

  6. Justin and Neva. From Justin's fb

    ~ Guys, I know, it's her daughter and it's on FB and stuff, but since there's no Natalia on this picture BZ would rather have you not to post those regarding the privacy of her family ~

  7. From what I could see, it looked pityfull, really really bad, extremly poorly directed. Maybe it's much better for Natalia if it never comes out.

    Everyone'd rather forget it.

    how do you know it is badly produced ? There's no "preview" out there that Im aware of ?

    To clarify, no I didn't see any preview.

    I didn't say badly "produced" but badly "directed". Of course that's just my humble opinion. It is based on a very strong feeling from what I've read and mostly watched (photographies, movie and location reports...). I'd like to be wrong but I don't think I am. I even think the extremly poor quality of the work is the main reason of its invisibiliy. I even think Natalia (and/or other people) was advised to keep it from coming out, whatever it could cost.

    Again just my opinion.


    I'm not particulary a fan of Natalia Vodianova but I really can't understand how one can say, speaking of Belle du Seigneur the movie, "it looked pityfull, really really bad, extremly poorly directed" and also "maybe it's much better for Natalia if it never comes out" and also "everyone'd rather forget it" without seeing the movie.

    I've had the opportunity, thanks to a friend who worked on the set a a technician, to assist to filmings, during one day in Geneva. I don't work in cinema myself but the team and the director seemed very professional and the actors too, even if sometimes they had to do the scenes several times. Natalia is not an actress but she was good in the scene I've seen (Solal's lesson of seduction, for those who read the novel) found the scenery and the costumes beautiful. So, why "pityfull" and "poorly directed" ?

    Also, why it would be better for Natalia if the film did not come out ? This is her first real role in a movie. Should she be more proud of the caricature role she hold in Medusa or in Roman Coppola's film CQ ? I really believe Ariane's role is a chance for her to be seen differentely if she wants to make career as an actress.

    Finally, according to my friend, the finalization of the film and its release was delayed mainly by the director's deaths.

    I repeat I didn't work muself on the movie, I'm a teacher in France, but I was wery surprised by these comments that are not based on anything concrete, and that's what made ​​me react.

    Sorry for my English.

    This is exactly what i want to say and thank you for your information!!

    Btw, i found a report (in Chinese) on this movie fr weibo months ago and now i post it here.

    “有幸先睹为快,看了根据曾获诺贝尔提名的希腊裔瑞士法语作家Albert Cohan的同名小说改编的电影Belle du Seigneur(不懂法文,德文书名“帅哥”)。导演一生心血花在此片上,(还曾导演了Albert Cohan的传记纪录片),片子拍完撒手人寰。非常好看,音乐极佳,大量采用斯特劳斯的Salome。”

    “男女主人公之美貌远非照片能够体现,连我这种反文艺中年工程女都想向当年洛阳纸贵期的法国妈妈一样,以Solal (男主人公的名字)命名自己的儿子——如果我有。其中性爱场面有的唯美、有的激烈,真希望能够引入中国院线和大家共欣赏,但想到国内的审查制度一声叹息。发烧友们至少不能错过原声大碟!!!”(via Salome fr weibo



    She mentioned the background music of Belle du Seigneur is awsome and the movie itself is also great. Nata and JRM are more than beautiful in this movie.

    I also didn't understand why sunshine could judge the movie without having watched it. I never had any bad feeling about it, and Natalia is in it, as a fan I really want to see her acting, even if some critic says the movie isn't good. Come on, Natalia is in it....Some months ago, in some interview (RT I think) Natalia was asked about the movie and she answered as if she didn't care, it was a bit strange, like "yeah I am in a movie, I even don't know when It's out" without any smile or sign of hapiness (but well I can imagine she had other objectives in mind at that time!). It was just really different compared to her enthusiasm from the direction beginnings.

    I'm also really sorry that some politician criticizes her about what she did to help the flood victims. I'm not really surprised,cause there is always someone to be unhappy about the good actions of others ; remember when her very first playparks in Russia were vandalized (even if it's not the same unhapiness). Plus, I'm not a specialist about it lol but I think the political situation in Russia now is difficult...Natalia's acts could be considered as politically engaged or antigovernmental or whatever......sometimes you know I am scared for her, that something might happen to her, even if I know she's just a humanist, just willing to help others and not a journalist or politician. In any case, I really admire her for what she did, she didn't wait any minute, she could live like a lazy selfish queen with all the money she has, but not at all, she is here to help her people, she is not a stupid cold woman, she is so kind and interesting, it is SO pleasing to see that. I sincerely think Natalia is one one the most interesting and human personality of the fashion/show business world (and the most beautiful without hesitation :p )

  8. Sunshine, I agree with you, Ivory and white don't match very well (at least for this outfit) but I actually like the whole look. Natalia looks innocent to me, a bit clumsy, which is very cute, but not sexy or vulgar at all, which is good sometimes. I think this kind of outfit is part of her style....and I have to confess that the fact she has 11 people working for her stroke me a little bit......what for ? In which way do they work for her ? Ok it's not our business but still..It makes me wonder.

  9. I also liked what she said, but was disappointed by how the interview turned out to be (it was not at all an interview). Everybody was talking at the same time, they were not listening to her....it's a pity that they never interview her about the upcoming movie, or about naked heart ! Personally I like this tv program (except the woman..she is unpolite, asks stupid and embarrassing questions), I think it's funny, but they have upset me tonight. Gosh, as the etam show is very slow and always stopping I wanted to watch it on Paris Premiere channel and was like "Why is there air force one instead :yuckky: " when I've just found out it's on 28th january :whistle:

    I give up watching the show on internet, it's working very badly.

  10. Girls, I had the same feeling as you. This red dress looked like an odd ( in a negative way) costume to me and the make up didn't fit (lips and eyes). She smiles and laughs a lot...maybe a little bit of alcohol helps ? To me she looks tipsy.

    But we have to understand Natalia grew up and she can't have the same behaviour as before, especially with her partner. She is much more discreet with AA than how she used to be be with J. And AA...no comment...he doesn't show much passion. Guess it's his education. Maybe she wanna have a different kind of relationship. She was probably disappointed by love and now sees things differently. The same for how she wants to look : she has been looking very young and now she might want to break this "lolita angel" image.

    To me, what fits her were these sober, discreet outfits, beautiful jewels, beautiful flower dresses, golden hair.....and all the smiles and hugs between her last one and her. And her children of course. And naked heart. I don't like seeing her as a "femme fatale" (although it can be interesting to see her like that once in a while..but not often ! To me, it's not her..).

    However, she will change, we can't do anything against it ; she can't eternally look like the one she was at 20/25 years old ! Sometimes I feel sorry for her when I see people on internet criticizing her, saying she was better before....I don't think she changed in a especially bad way, she just evolved and it's normal, it's always the same person, I don't understand how people, so called fans speak bad about her like that, that's not nice....and as far as I'm concerned, I still admire her a lot.

    And to conclude, she did not lost her angel face, on some recent pics we can see it (givenchy backstage...).

  11. It is said that Antoine's father is one of the richest men in France (no big surprise) ... why has Natalia chosen this guy in particular ? I want to believe she has a good heart, etc, but I can't avoid thinking money seems to be very important for her (even if she has enough with her own earnings !). I don't know what to think...why a business man who is also a heir ? Does she love him or is she using him ? I would like Natalia to be a good person, not using others by interest...I respect her a lot, I love everything she does but I keep wondering why him lol. Why randomly one of the richest men. I know that maybe it happened this way, they're from the same social circle and that's all...I hope it's just that :)

    It's true it's strange to see her with another man, but I'm happy for her. She's always displaying emotions, not shy to show her tenderness..it' s very cute. I'm thinking these gestures can't lie.

    Did you see the old runway photos on tfs ? We can see a very young Natalia (2001) with those cute round cheeks ! And she was not skinny at all at that time, and it suited her well..and by the photos it is noticable she lost a lot of weight in 2002.

    I have to say I felt sorry for Justin too...even if he is rich and has many friends..

  12. Even if I don't feel well these times and don't like seeing kissing couples, cause mine is broken.., I'm happy to see a glad Natalia with a new man, visibly A.A. I like this etam swimsuit too :) and I rather find it sane to kiss in front of children (nothing else of course lol), it's ok....

    Actually, I am very happy for her. :) I don't know what kind of relationship they have but anyway. She looks happy isn't she.

    And satisfied to finally know the truth :)

    thedarknv, how could Antoine stop Natalia's career ? I know he is powerful and full of money but Natalia has some money too, and many friends in the fashion industry...I'm not convinced he could really screw up her career...

    Of course, we notice he is rich, very rich.....but Justin was, too. I don't know....we don't know this man, it's hard to guess. I don't really understand why girls you think it's so dangerous for Natalia. She's a big girl, she is responsible and indepedent, powerful too....

  13. That's very good news that she's the new face of a perfume ! I really can't wait to see it !

    Among the photos of this charity party organized in Ibiza, there is one where Natalia appears with her mum, Larisa. Can anyone tell me who is the man with them ? I like when Natalia is sunkissed and smiling like that, on holidays, it fits her so well.

  14. but maybe Natalia didn't want to go on with Euphoria as she does many things and is already the face of another perfume ? She's been the face of euphoria for so much time and I would understand that she wanna do something else....and if it's them who did not want her anymore, it's a shame. Cause she is still obviously very beautiful, can look very young...it's not very good for women of nowadays ! What a stress of constantly trying to look young ! .and if they really wanted to change the model why didn't they change the style of the pic, the colours, etc ? I wouldn't like to be Barbara, they are turning her into Natalia's image of euphoria, there is nothing new, it lacks of personality...

    And to conclude, I don't think Barbara looks like Natalia very much. Ok...there is something, in the eyes, but the eye brows, the nose, the lips, the shape of the face are not the same...Natalia is much more special, there is something more slavic, almost asian (sorry if I say some stupid things, and anyway they tried to hide these particularities the most possible for euphoria) whereas Barbara looks more classical occidental (still very beautiful too).

  15. I will try not to be too passionate about this, and just tell my self, well, if he is really Natalia's new man, let's accept it. After all we don't know him, just because he is rich and comes from a rich family, he is not a good man...I think it's not so easy. Natalia visibly knows this man..maybe he has something special, she understood he can support her and her children and her association. My feeling is that of course, she may be attracted by his fortune...., but I hope it's not only that, for God's sake. And if it's only that, I tell myself that deep inside her, her only aim, apart from her children, is naked heart, naked heart, naked heart. I think that now, all the things she does is for naked heart. Of course, as Pautinka said, she should change her entourage for some more professional people who can help her for her association, but to hire these people, to make things happen, she needs money (something she already has for sure lol but now even more with AA !). Forgive me to speak this way, maybe, and I hope for her, she really feels something strong for him, and him for her as well. If he is a nice man with her, I will like him. I also wonder how can one pass from a magic relationship with someone you crazily loved, lasting 9 years, to something else, maybe less exciting. Just a proof Natalia is a strong person, always able to stand again. And don't forget that Natalia is also a kind of business woman, and that her heart, after all these years in the world of fashion and luxury, may have been a little poisoned, even if we think no...

    The only thing I think of AA, from the photos, is that he looks way too formal with this black costume ! I know he is a business man but...anyway lol. I think you know what I mean. He looks a bit old or serious for his age (but he plays poker !).

    And something else : How can Point de Vue say they were spotted in St Tropez in july if they have no photos ? If not only them don't have photos but absolutely no newspaper, no website ? (otherwise ariti, maryna, acfr or someone else here would have found them :whistle::blush: ). So, where is the truth ? The thing is that also voici and elle speak about their relationship like an official one.

    By the way, I'm also happy about the fact she dates a french man, maybe she will have to practice her french, it might be funny.

    And maybe all these things were said for nothing cause it's not true ! <_<

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