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Posts posted by Lovelife

  1. there will never be a "dream team" like that :( they definitely were THE supermodels!the 8O' s 90's was realy the "time" of supermodels! i mean nobody forgets those supermodels, whereas it won't be the same for today's supermodels they are a kind of "trend" but not like claudia,naomi and so on... i miss this time :(

  2. i think nobody misunderstood :) everyone has a different point of view and i think she understood that we meant her obsession might decrease it is a fact for a lot of people among us , we all have been very obsesed ( for most of people) but one day it will change i think, nevertheless thk to all of u for your great posts!what is the last commercial ( maybelline) she did?thk u

  3. i dont judge you :) but i meant that obession is a little a bit like a "dream" and i know people who met her and they became less obsessed , indeed things change when you realise that they are people like "us", if she was not a model maybe you would not even look at her in the street,maybe... have a good day all of you :) thank for the pics

  4. i've just read what betty wrote,i feel the same!for my part before i was more obssessed and now im 22 so a lot of things have changed,adriana is a kind of "trend" today it's her and in a few years there will be other models and it will hapen too.10 years ago people loved claudia cindy and so on and adriana is not even the most know supermodel and she is 26 i mean in france nobody knows her except some fans and when i show pics of her they don't react so she's famous that's a factor which increases people's obssession if you want to discuss about that you can answer in the other thread i like sharing points of view :)

  5. idon't want to be rude or something like that ;) but don't you exagerate?i mean people who say such things are not a little bit obssessed?i'm just asking you,because i'm a little bit afraid when i hear " i can't imagine my life..." will adriana help you to get your own life?to be happy?i mean when i see a pic of adri or see her on tv i'm happy,it makes me smile but one day she won't be a model anymore and they will forget her...and you what will you do when she stops modelling?maybe it's not the right thread if you want to answer me go to "discussion" thread,i'm just curious don't get me wrong,i'm just upset and try to understand you without judging you,i like talking :)

  6. that's so strange this big deal...i adore adriana don't get me wrong but she's just a human and as long as you don't know her,you have never met her how can you know the number of cigarettes,or if she's a nice girl and so on... just a human seriously whose beauty will fade ( like everyone)...

  7. you're right!but people are so strange!when adriana does something , the least thing it' s as if the world changed so much lol there are hardcore "fans", good or not she decided to smoke how could people change that?and even if she smoke it won't change your life!da..!

  8. god,why do people always argue about adriana?you don't need to look like her to be beautiful or amazing or gorgeous i dont know...there are a lot of girls who feel depressed because they think adriana is so pretty so they begin to compare themselves!hey girls it's true if you don't look like her it's not a big deal!if adriana was not a celeb maybe you would even not look at her in the street?and even if you did maybe you would'nt feel depressed!oh come on have you ever imagined that (maybe) adriana does not feel as selfconfident about her beauty as we do... she is gorgeous but maybe the fact she's a celeb make us overate her?maybe...anyway girls who always want to know if the look like her stop!you can be as pretty as her and being different! ;)

  9. her mother is quite pretty,but i dont think she loks like her mother at all.it is strange people think that...i m sure there would be the photo of her mother without adri you would not even see the link...

  10. i dont agree with you anabb cover,i mean it is normal you defend the women of your country,i've jsut said that most of european people who go to brazil that i know or i heard told they were so disappointed by girls in brasil,maybe european people are not very attracted by girls with a style different from the one of europe..not everyone but maybe most of european people,in general european people like russian girls!

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