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Everything posted by annihilation

  1. This game owns my soul. I love playing it! I have University (my favorite), Open for Business, Teen Style Stuff, and H&M Fashion Stuff. They're all fantastic. I love playing with custom content especially.
  2. Yay! Wow, I am in love with this guy already, haha. Thanks sooo much, thebelgianhare, for the photos. <3 He looks like an angel. His eyes are really breathtaking.
  3. Thanks! That's so weird, he must stand next to shorter people, haha. I don't really consider 5'11" to be that tall... probably because I'm around 5'8"
  4. Ah I guess he just looked taller to me. How tall is 1.79m? I don't use the metric system, haha.
  5. WOW. He's wonderful. I have to repeat penny-dreaddfull: his eyes! They're gorgeous! There's something about his face in that second shot that makes me want to see more of him. Very nice capture of him.
  6. Wow, he's good. I love his nose. It's adorable! He has an interesting face, too. But he always looks like he's ready to murder someone, haha. I guess that's his signature look? Doesn't matter, he's gorgeous anyway. Those are great pics, faget, thanks!
  7. Jessica Stam is my favorite model ever. Her eyes and face are just so mind-blowing! That's her mom? Wow, I see where she gets her looks. Very cool, thanks for posting that picture.
  8. Nefertiti : The first picture in the last row is so gorgeous! Gemma is cool. Thank you for sharing. <3
  9. Ohhh, I like her. She's got that sweet & innocent look, but she also has the ability to make your jaw drop. She's very beautiful. Thanks for the pics. They're great!
  10. Thank you all. It's great to be here. And yes, I enjoy youth. xD
  11. ^^ Wow, he's got skill. Taylor and I are the same age. Wee! I think he's a lot more attractive than Robert... body-wise at least. He just looks funny with his Jacob wig on. I think it's because the top of his head looks normal with random long strands at the side. It should be long everywhere... But anyway. He's definitely one to look out for. What a cutie.
  12. Shia's a great actor and an attractive dude, but I just can't bring myself to like him for some reason. Sorry if this offends anyone, but I just think maybe he's gotten cocky or something. Just my opinion. I seriously do love his work, though.
  13. Gaspard is certainly attractive. I didn't know he was so tall, but looking through these pictures, he's like... a tower. Which is good in my book. I haven't seen him in any movies, but I'd certainly like to.
  14. Hey guys, I just registered yesterday. Though I've been a guest here for a while. This site is so fantastic, so I finally decided to just join! My name's Ann, I'm 17, and I'm really into photography and photo editing & graphic designs. I'm not sure how active I'll be here, but I'm excited to start posting more.
  15. I know this might be weird, but I've always loved her eyebrows. She's got those goin' on. And her eyes are so gorgeous. She has an incredible, amazing voice. I really hope she comes out with another album soon. We need to hear her more on the radio.
  16. Ahhh, I really like Avril. She used to be my favorite musician (which I realize is sad and embarrassing now). But she's so young, yet she has her own fragrance, clothing line, 3 hit albums, and a husband that loves her. Must be nice. And let's not forget that she's absolutely beautiful. I'd watch out for her, haha. She's changed so much since she started out, though. I'm not sure if it's good or bad to change so drastically, but it could be worse.
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