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Posts posted by Modelvictim

  1. Yeah true, I mean it was obvious that with so many new angels, no one could get the same amount of exposure. Nonetheless it's quite unfair sometimes.


    I love Jac and she perfectly fits VS "bodywise" but honestly I think her personality doesn't suit the brand too well, and I mean that in a good way. Like others have mentioned alrready she isn't that typical bubbly, (fake) girl next door that VS usually advocates. I get the feeling from interviews or pictures that this whole "circus" is not her cup of tea  and that she sees it a bit ironic as well. Like she wouldn't just scream out loud and be like "ohh yeah, it's s awesome and amazing and awww I love you all so much blahblah...". She's too mature and serious to do that. I see her more in a mysterious, reserved sort of way and not someone who pushes herself into the fore too much. That's why (as much as I would want it) I can't really see her lasting as an angel. 


    For example I love her in this short interview and I think it says a lot about her attitude towards the industry. She comes across as humble and realistic and you see she tries to not take it too seriously ( I mean I'm sure she takes her job very seriously with all its responsibilities but the tries to not let it affect her personality too much.)


    On 8.12.2015 at 4:57 PM, toodarnhot said:



    Also I had to think of this photo. Sure, she might have been in a bad mood or something was going on but it seems like she's ... not enjoying it too much? Idk she seems a little put off (but then again I don't wanna emphasize too much on this shot). What do you guys think?



  2. 2 hours ago, ceceshores said:

    It sucks that she's most likely not in the swim special this year. She was one of the highlights last year.

     Yes it does, especially since most of the other newest angels are there. Really don't understand VSs decisions sometimes...


    8 hours ago, jpmas3003 said:

    are adriana and alessandra going to st barts to the special?

    i haven't seen them, jac and kate there



    Yes I'm pretty sad abou the fact that Jac's not there. At first I thought they let the other new angels have a shot (that didn't do the special last year, so Sara, Taylor, Romee, Lais, Kate) but now almost all of them are there except Jac and Kate as the new angels. I really wonder why. I hate that they barely use Kate, why is she even an angel then? I know it's the language barrier that's a problem but still she'd be alright doing the Swim Special. 


    I'm really curious in general how many of the angel contracts are gonna get renewed. I mean you can definitely tell who the favorites are. Taylor, Sara, Martha, Romee and Elsa are definitely in. They just get the most amount of exposure. Especially the way they boost Taylor and Sara is insane. 

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