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Everything posted by doctor_d

  1. doctor_d

    Eva Longoria

    hahaha...shes perfect!!!! nothin wrong with her eyebrows
  2. soon shell be your number one right?! lol shes just so perfect...you cant help but love her! HAPPY NEW YEARS TO MY RAICA!!!!! and happey new years to all the other raica lovers too!
  3. thanx for those thiago! new to me...and she looks soooooooo great, especially in the upper right one.
  4. thanks for those scans Nine..you rock!!!!!!!!
  5. you should grabbed all of them! and sent one to me! lol actually...hopefully either my future sis in law or my cousin will get one of the window posters from bebe for my bday. lol
  6. doctor_d


    yeah i just heard the news on espn...they still havent found her bf apparently.
  7. sweet lady...i tried to pm you, but it says no such user exists
  8. thanx for those funnyfan!! those are great...new additions to my collection i believe.
  9. haha...you win. im surprised ive only had like 3 requests for the password...maybe im just wasting my time.
  10. its up to 267 photos now . lol i have no life.
  11. thanx...im gonna have to make a second album to fit all of em. lol
  12. you have a message pharao. i dont see you on...im me.
  13. yeah...isnt she wonderful!! and its been forever! lol maybe cuz your never on aim.
  14. ok...i have 148 pics loaded now. heres the link. http://photobucket.com/albums/v326/raicaoliveira/ message me for the password
  15. ok...i started a photobucket account...im loading pics as i type. if my comp is correct...i have 514 pics of my raica ive loaded like 45 or so. lol damn, i have a long way to go. message me if youd like all the log in info.
  16. this sux...chilax closed today...i totally forgot, and i sent a message to someone and now ill never know if they responded. shit....and i lost all those runway posts i made in Raicas threads. there were soo many pics that i didnt save cuz i knew i had chilax. damnit. great pix sweet lady.
  17. yep...best lips ever!!!! so....kissable.
  18. i guess she somewhat resembles her, but she in no way compares to my raica Raica beats all!!!! :evil:
  19. yeah she probably got implants...we discussed that already. heres some pics of Raica...since this is her thread. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/doct...r_d/runro15.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/doct...r_d/runro11.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/doct...r_d/runro02.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/doct...r_d/runro01.jpg this last on is my avatar hiro matsu
  20. doctor_d

    Eva Longoria

    well im single...bwahahahahaha...all i have to do is meet, and ill close the deal. lol
  21. doctor_d

    Eva Longoria

    i thought she was goin out with JC from nsync...least thats what i heard from my bros sister...but hey, if shes not...im single too eva. lol
  22. doctor_d

    Eva Longoria

    oh dear god!!!! the more i see her the more i like her. damn shes so fine. lol...i think adriana may be movin down my top ten list
  23. guess who i nominated. lol...raica of course!
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