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Everything posted by cositas_buenas

  1. From the Linda Evangelista's threath by brazillianaffair
  2. Lovely, never see them. Thanks for sharing them
  3. Sorry I didn't want to say "ugly", only she is more normal than I could thougth Love Inés, she is lovely
  4. Well, the movie is supposed to happen in the thirties, in an not-especially-democratic-country. So, indeed the atmosphere is not the usual one of the shiny and polished cover pages of Vogue or whatever paper. And, true, her hairstyle (and dress style) might look a bit old-fashioned indeed.... Nevertheless, I find those pics showing a somewhat more "natural" aspect of her. And, again, she was about 27 at the time; still youthful, but also with a specific distinction that only some ageing can give. That's what I meant with apex. Best, Oh, I could not imagine (never) that she is so normal... Hope is ambientation
  5. El País Semanal: "Olé, tu gracia" I think, 1991 or 1992 Maybe, rare (sorry if I repost) HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !
  6. Magnificent. I guess we all are convinced here she is the most memorable top model ever PS here a few videocaps - sorry for the bad quality - but she was really at her apex at the time. I disagree... I don't like at all in these videocaps........ she looks old and even ugly........ :x
  7. OH, really wonderful Linda and Claudia !! Thanks for sharing it
  8. Thank you very much!!! Happy new year
  9. Hi dear, if you scan all the text I'll tranlated to you. With all those missing words I can't understand all the sense of the text. PD: Oh, I don't think it's Vogue España........ Dear Maria, thank you for your help, but I don´t have this layout in real, I found it in net. So I only have this as scanned. Possilbe this was another spanish mag? Don´t know which. Possilbe also HOLA or so... Or something not so well known. Thanks Sheila mmm I think this is not the kind of font that is used in V_S....... but neithr in ¡Hola! ........... there are a lot of Spanish mags, so, if you don't have any more, it's very difficult to know................ In the text (what I can read) is that she is roling a musical in London and, "in the next page a close-up of the model, now turn into an actress" So, it seems there are more pages of this article. Hope it can help you Write you soon!!!
  10. Hi dear, if you scan all the text I'll tranlated to you. With all those missing words I can't understand all the sense of the text. PD: Oh, I don't think it's Vogue España........
  11. Merry Christmas to you also, Sheila! and for everybody
  12. I haven't seen these before. Thanks! You are welcome This is an old ed from Vogue España - I think, 1991 or 1992 - maybe, very rare. Hope you ALL enjoy it (this is specially for provo)
  13. PA, did you know the nowdays it Spanish girl????? She is Sara Carbonero --> she also has a thread in BZ
  14. Oh, I really love this cover + ed !!!! El País Semanal, 13/09/1992 Secretos de otoño = Secrets of Autumn Hope you all enjoy it too !
  15. some pics from "El Dorado" by Carlos Saura, when Inés was 13.
  16. Two years? That's short! My university studies lasted 9 years (including one years interruption because of military service).
  17. Really?? You must be older than I thought. I was only 21 at that time and I knew nothing about Inés (no internet those days!). Around year 2000 I saw the first pics of her online and I started to worship her deeply as the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. jeje Inés is knowned since she is 13, when Carlos Saura choose her for the film "El Dorado". She get famous quickly here and I get covers qhen she is 14, or so (you can see the cover of Gente, some posts above) I am from a northern country so I like darker southern/latin/brunette women. Perhaps she had a strong sun tan at the time? In Spain is beautiful dark hair and white skin. But also, blondes with white skin. It' is, basically, the Greek Classical canon of beauty... more or less, because now is changing something because of globalization. But here, dark hair and very dark skin (like Inés in her earlies) is not beautiful.
  18. Yes she changed enormously since then. Nose, legs, etc evthg appears slimmer and much more toned now. IMHO before the 90s she was cute, but slightly fatty and hairy - in a nutshell a nothing special girl. yes, indeed, she were adicted to beauty treatments... for example, with 18 or so, she did a special treatment for the legs, to gve them a beautiful shape and to got they look thinner. And another thing Spanish mags said then was she is operated ... the mouth! yes, the gum! and she is adicted to hair treatments, in fact, when she was young she had her hair veeeeery wavy and now is sligthly wavy or straigth.
  19. Hello PA, here your answers: 1) High school: she was at the nuns in Madrid 2) University: remember that her course ("Littérature médievale" or so) in this country counts among the shortest and most effective paths to unenployment. Ergo, no urgency to concentrate on studies as they bring no avail :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Isn't life good ? Inés studied at the University of La Sorbonne, she is French Philology graduated I saw her in 1992, in Seville, at the Expo 92'. I didn't recognice her: I am taller than her although she wore heels; my friend said: Look! It's Inés Sastre! And I answered her: Where???? Where???? When I finally saw her, I saw a small girl with a veeeeery brown dark face, and, actually, we both thougth in photoshoped pics! In fact, the white, smooth, silky face in Lancome ads, oh, for me it's absolutely inexplicable. But at the mags she looks beautiful. I loved her in eds, ads and covers That's why I've got a lot of stuff from her early years............ Another day I'll tell more things....................
  20. Inés de corto I think, 1990 or 91 very beautiful look hope no repost
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