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Posts posted by Froussay

  1. Aw, she looks very cute in every picture. And you know, I can't help myself thinking, can you imagine HOW cute would Bar's and Leo's kids be? Seriously. I'm getting into their relation, I swear, I'm just talking about genes ♥

    Plus, Bar will be AMAZING pregnant, I'm sure.

  2. while bar is playing with puppies and going to party in eilat esti ginzborg is in contact with VS


    as i said by the way bar is much better than esti but esti is working.

    I think Bar works enough, she has to give herself quality life as well. Sure for us the more she works the better it is cause we'll get to see her, but... I wouldn't compare. Different models, different ways.

    And I have to agree with you, she seems to be a future great mom! Actually, that's something I can't wait to see!

  3. Aw, I love the cake picture HAHAHH thanks ana3! It looks like she knows how to have fun (if she had fun with it, obviously). and yes, it looks like Shaun!

    Is there a commercial, Flyingblind? :laugh:

    I'd like to see it too!

    Yes there is! :hehe: I just did a quick youtube search and I managed to find it

    And thank you for the translation wijn, and for those candids SparkleyAdi Flower%20for%20you.gif

    Gorgeous! Thanks ♥

    I just wish they showed it in Brazil...I mean, I don't really like watching TV, but I guess they never did it here...

  4. I do love how Bar can do swimsuit-shoots and mature stuff like this easily at the same time :laugh:

    I totally agree with you wijn! :thumbsup: I also appreciate her versatility, no wonder she is so much in demand. Thanks for these delightful scans from the latest PH catalogue. Isn't she lovely! :wub:

    Thanks to LoveBar, here are some awesome screencaps from the last terrific Under.Me clip.


    Her whole body is simply stunning :)

    Yes... gosh. She can be delicate, gorgeous, sexy and natural at the same time. She's a goddess. ♥

    And I agree if you too, wijn

  5. Pink, we'll be patient. We promise! :Angel: Thanks to VampireHorde!

    Now I'm warning you, guys.... you better take a deep breath before watching this new provocative ad from Under.me :drool: :ddr: :wub2:


    OMG! Does she have a perfect natural body, or what? ;)

    I don't even have words to this video! Can I breathe after that? IDK! She's the most perfect woman on earth. Seriousy. I'm so in love! Bar marry me T_T ♥

    You are all very welcome! :flower: VampireHorde is in the process of locating the editorial. Maxim is trying to prolong the release as long as possible b/c I think they are upset at the number of times he has leaked the cover and etc. :nicole:

    Hopefully tonight he will have it and I will post it ASAP! :yes:

    Thaaaanks! Can't wait!

  6. Could it be Maxim she's shooting for?

    Never seen it before too, thanks Alice :flower:


    How cute are they :wub:


    hmm who's that guy ??? :blush:

    Bar looks so cute! she's beautiful :wub:

    It's her friend I think... and yes, she's so so so so cute *-* Adorable... She might be such a great friend and person to meet

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