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one man band

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Everything posted by one man band

  1. is thinking of what to say (god this is easy)
  2. is also involved in a pip war...
  3. ...is female (we're having pip wars )
  4. has a needless _ in his/her name...
  5. Human sized dog chain. Come on, use your initiative. You've obviously never had to chain up a woman before...
  6. ...has a strange member name.
  7. That's how a real man does it. Or gets a cobra to bite each one out.
  8. Not to my knowledge. Wouldn't put it past them though. That sounds needlessly painful.
  9. Both have been done on Dirty Sanchez. Another one i remember is one of them head butting a table covered in pins. He subsequently went to hospital to get them all (like 50 of them) removed.
  10. Acting innocent? MOI? Well i just didn't want to type BALLSACK again so early in the morning. Although it was quite enjoyable.
  11. Now Jessica's got the seal of approval, she's sure to go far... (j/k)
  12. OH GOD! TWEEZING? Where? Or do I really not want to know? I tweeze my eyebrows, by the way.
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