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  1. oblio

    Free People model

    Thanks tinkerbelle
  2. Hi, Does anyone know what the name of this model is? This is from the July "Free People" Catalog.
  3. Thank you Layla90. That is a great idea
  4. Hi, I am not sure what seasons these are from. These are poor scans of these ads. I am looking for hi-res scans (or at least a better scan) One is anne V for nautica Blue, the other is calvin Thanks in advance
  5. An amazing person on another forum has just informed me that this is "a blonde Aurelia Gliwski"
  6. Does anyone know who this hush-uk model is? Thank you very much
  7. Hi, Looking for a story from an old Mirabella. It was called "Ply Yourself" and was shot by David Hamsley. It was 8 or 10 pages of cashmere still life styled very beautifully Thanks,
  8. oblio

    Ad/Model ID

    Hi, I've not posted before, so I apologize if I have done this incorrect. I need help from all you brilliant, amazing people. I am trying to id this campaign and model. the original title says fall 05 campaign. Thank you By oblio919
  9. Lea- Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. oblio919
  10. Lea- Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
  11. Hi does anybody know the name of this model? she's the one in the national jbrand jeans ads this should take you to an image of her http://view.onestopinternet.com/view_email...460057f7212787d
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