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Everything posted by ivon

  1. ^I completely agree with you, I'm just bummed out that Leo will now be linked to this s*storm. Truly sorry if I offended any Blake fans.
  2. ^Oh it wasnt about hate. Its apparently on her imdb.com board. It was released on 4chan. I did not look and don't plan on it.
  3. ^Its going to be an even bigger gossip mess, someone just leaked private Blake naked pictures she took of herself on her IPhone and sent it to someone. How stupid can you get. Great now even more tabloid attention for LEo. THIS SUCKS!!!
  4. ^It's a gossip[ mag and their objective is to sell copies so yeah they will spin the storyto make it as marketable as possible. All I know and this is just my view I hate to see such an accomplished and talented actor on a RAG like this.
  5. ^LOL he won her heart, I guess Blake's pr fed the story!
  6. Wow Tarantino and Leo, that sounds really interesting, but when could he do it, he is scheduled to do Gatsby and then Wolf of Wallstreet. I guess Wallstreet will be pushed back? I would love for Leo to play a villain it would add some more diversity to his resume.
  7. Wow thanks so much for the timeline, you're the best! Although I never really cared about BAr, this must be really rough on her. I feel really sorry for her.
  8. Winterbone, thank you so much for the videos and the pictures!
  9. My favorite Leo movie acting wise is - What's Eating Gilbert Grape My favorite overall movie with Leo is The Aviator.
  10. ivon


    Thank you for all the candids, her body is such an inspiration for me! I have a picture of her in a bikini on my refrigirator, to stop me from overindulging!
  11. Well the paps have been more aggressive then usual because of the link established between Blake and Leo in Cannes, hence LAiney's line. I'm reffering to the quote from LAineygossip.com.
  12. Oh and welcome Killabunnies, great to have another Leo fan here!
  13. Solange I so agree with you I can't wait for the Gatsby movie to shoot so we can focus on something else than his private life.
  14. Winterbone, there has been no Blake bashing on this thread, nobody said anything about her breasts on the Leo thread, I must say this has been on eof the best communitites about Leo that I have found. 99% of the people who post here are really great and go out of thier way to post sories and pictures about Leo.
  15. Well its CLint Eastwood and any project he makes has Oscar buzz around it, most of the time he gets nominated, exception was the complete shut out of Hereafter. Now Hoover alsoi has a screenplay by Dustin Lance Black who has already won an Oscar for the brilliant screenplay for Milk. So Leo's chances are very good.
  16. Guys thank you so much for posting these pictures!! You guys are the best. I am kind of excited about this for purely selfish reasons - we will get a TON of candids now!!
  17. FASHIONDREAM< thank you so much for the pictures, you are the BEST!!!
  18. Fashiondream, thank you so much for the pictures! You are the best you always get the rare pics!
  19. ^There is no director attached to Wolf of Wall Street yet. I had a question in the forum who you would like to see directing if of course Scorsese can't for some reason. Personally if Scorsese is a no go, I would love to see Fincher do this or Darren Aronofsky.
  20. ^Leda, you are right about the part thing, but has anyone read the Wolf of Wallstreet, the part is the girlfriend of the main character (Leo) and get this she is like a minor model who is totally out of control drugs booze etc (this book is based on facts) so yeah I guess Blake really wants the part and I guess she would fit the part physically although her acting (AND THIS IS MY OPINION ONLY) leave much to be desired. I will not even comment on the USWeekly story where "Blake's frineds" say that Leo pursued her, again reflects poorly on Blake and her pr people, Mr. Huvane. Leo is a producer on Wolf of Wallstreet so he has a say in the casting.
  21. ^I agree Marvin's Room was such a good movie, I loved Meryl Streep in it with Diane Keaton - she got an Oscar nomination for her role, it was produced by Deniro and he handpicked Leo for the role.
  22. Sick as My Secret, thank you so much for all the pictures!!!
  23. ^I so agree with you about the cigars, my Dad smokes them as well they are 100 times worse than cigarettes, I remeber him saying I quit smoking and I was so happy for him but then I realized that he switched cigarettes to cigars and I was so sad about that.
  24. Katchitup I so agree with I love Carey, I am located in NYC so I really want to see her in the play! I loved her since seeing her in "An Education", her voice is just amazing and yes she is so cute! I bet we'll get lots of candids from Australia!
  25. No problem fashiondream, gald I could help! Hey let's change the subject a bit, does anyone know when Gatsby starts shooting? I know that Carrey Mulligan is in a play in NYC till the beginning of July. So I guess August? I'm kind of bummed Bradley Cooper lost out on the part in Gatsby I though he would have been perfect. I guess Baz wanted an Australian actor.
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