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Posts posted by RGD69

  1. Thanks for the bump! :)

    I love her.

    Anyone seen Doomsay?

    Friggin sweet movie.

    yeah i've seen it.. I honestly didn't like it a whole lot, but Rhona made it really worth watching

  2. th_pampitaposter.png

    i just finished that in photoshop.. you guys should know what the original picture is

    I was just messing around with coloring, and it turned into a sin city looking theme, so I just took it a ran with it.. There's a lot of details I like about it too - Like the "for export" stamp and the duct tape, for some reason it just looks like something that would be in sin city. I also love the text (it's the actual font from Sin City)

    it's actually 12x18 inches, but i thought i'd scale it down so it was easier to see

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