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Posts posted by _LaLaLove_

  1. ^


    you'd never understand...its so hard being a model

    -your in a diff country every other day

    -bitchy models you cant trust

    -getting criticized about the littles shit

    -holding a position for hours

    -you have to have perfect skin and must have right proportions and keep your body in shape

    -runway walking in 5 inch heels...yea its there job to look pretty but have you ever walked in a straight line making look so easy and looking good and actually making the clothes look good

    -taking a perfect picture...is so damn hard...take it from someone who is into modeling and im hopefully going to start over teh summer...you have to be energetic..say a happy smiley pose...you have to think of something happy tht makes you laugh and look believable...a fierce picture is so hard to capture

    so before saying something is easy, revaluate what your going to say

    lmao that may be ur opinion but still i think what i said... travelling all over the world is hard ? i mean being one day in Paris for the fashion week, 2 days later on a sandy beach of sao paulo... is that hard ?? seriously ?

    Maybe it's a bit annoying to have to keep one position during a few minutes (and not for hours as you said unless the model works with a bad photographer who only wants her to strike ONE pose ?? lool) but compared to what you're paid to do it i think models shouldn't complain. (BTW i'm talkin bout famous models, not the unknow one who have to wait for hours in castings and that stuff). One of the reasons I liek Eugenia Volodina is that she often says she loves her jobs and never complains bout the long days of work: she knows the chance she have, she can make a living at age 20 with a cool job when she could be really poor and have a bad job in russia

    Bitchy models you can't trust: everybody knows bitchy ppl, you needn't be a model for that

    About having good proportions... it's something nature gave you or not... Then of course they gotta watch their line which can be a little fussy but once again this is not what i call "tough"... Same with high heels... It might not be confortable but still it's not the worse thing ever... And about walkin on a straight line and lookin comfortable: some models can't even do that... Of course not all girls can do that but with a bit of training it goes naturally, models don't have to make an effort once they've learned and practised a bit...

    Anyway i knew someone would take it bad... I'm the first one to say that modelling isn't as glamourous as it seems and that not all girls could do it, physically and mentally but for god's sake i think famous models are part of the lucky ppl in that world !! and i think that's obscene to complain bout your work when u earn $5.000.000 a year when other ppl do worse for waaaaaaaay less money... that's it... Nothing personnal against adriana or models, otherwise i wouldn't be here ;)

    awwww cmon ofcourse its hard

    sure shes famous nd beautiful nd everything

    but the public is constantly saying bad stuff about them

    nd not to mention dey have to deal w/ the supermodel stereotypes nd all dat stuff

    m sure it takes a toll on her

    bein out all da time

    nd paparazi however u spell dat

    nd yes ur entitled to ur own opinion

    but its not all glamour nd fame

  2. lmao @ err thts not her...jesus where is adriana loved...in u.s. you just have to be a whore doing pornos...thts how you make headlines which make you famous

    ex: paris hilton

    she was a nobody till that sex tape leaked out

    but w.e

    typsos are you kidding :(..tht stinks! i loved the tim commercials!

    lolollolll @ the grasshopper comment..i agree

    btw guys this is sad news..very sad

    on teh tyra banks show she was saying when she was doing victoria's secret..she met adriana and she felt inferior when around adriana cuz she kinda felt as if adriana was better in all manners cuz tyra is a typical black model and that adriana acts kinda of superior and makes herself seem better then everyone else..but tyra says now that she and adriana get along fine

    i hope shes not like stuck up cuz tht would suck!

    i think a lot of people get a wrong impression of adriana

    nd its completly sad cuz she dont look stuck up to me

    shes not loved in italy?!?!?!?!

    thats jus wrong...

  3. ''How is it that somebody with such terrible teeth could be regarded as one of the bitchiest most beautiful women on the planet? I don't ask much of my supermodels, just that they be beautiful and skinny and walk around half naked all the time making products look better than they actually are, but I'd really appreciate it if they didn't sport crooked vampire fangs. Can you imagine if Adriana Lima actually got braces and went walking down runways sporting a mouthful of wire? That'd be almost as embarrassing as walking down the runway looking like a damn Dracula woman.''

    So mean :cry:

    iunno ive always thot that the crooked teeth were kinda hot...

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