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Posts posted by Ho-couture

  1. These two btter put us all out of our - and their - miseries and marry already. It's getting very boring.

    Two people who truly belong together shouldn't have to have such a difficult and forever fluctuating relationship like this.

  2. I think that once she stops dating Leo her fame will dissapear as quickly as it appeared. She's nothing special, she can't do high fashion if her life depended on it. She should just stick to what's she's good at: screwing thirty-year olds and modeling swimwear. What a slut. :yuckky:

    Whilst I most definielty agree with the first few comments, you've robbed yourself of credibilty by being low and calling Bar a slut. How pathetic and ridiculous. So if she's a slut for dating a 30 year old, what's Dicaprio for dating her? He's the one who's in his thirties and is still chasing down teen models. He made a move on Gisele when the girl was 19....

    Anyway, forget u....

    Here's Bar in another Elle France..







  3. No doubt Bar is pretty but to suggest she's gonna be a sensation at VS, is almost laughable.

    She looks like most every other standard generic blonde that frequents VS....

    In comparision to Gisele, she's a mere blip on the scene. She'll probably disappear as fast she's arrived. And like already mentiond, VS would never let their most successful model go for someone as standard as Bar

    I knew the media would try and pit these two against one another - purely because they've both had the misfortune of getting it on with Dicaprio. And the thing is , neither Bar, Gisele or Dicaprio for that matter, will come out and contest the story because a) it's not in their interest and b) they don't want to give the press the reaction they're looking for. When you reach their respective levels of success, you have to ignore every bit of tittle tattle out there.

    The only people believeing this story are ones that don't like Gisele.... i.e some Leo fans

    I've nothing against Bar, but on evaluation of her work, I think she's better sticking to swimsuit modelling.........

  4. Michele Alves is still with Guy Oseary, Madonna's manager and director of Maverick Records - and she is four months pregnant (it's a boy)

    Despite the pregnancy, she will be doing several shows in SP - the last info mentions a total of eleven, among them

  5. No doubt Bar's a pretty girl, but she'll NEVER reach the dizzy heights of Gisele...I think the inevitable comparisions only come about because they're both blind and have bad taste in men.. :whistle: Seriously, which ever latest model Leonardo get his claws into will always be measured up against Gisele. A lot of his hardcore fans seem to prefer Bar, but give it time, they'll soon start ripping her apart... ;)

    Anyway, Bar's turning into quite the Elle cover girl...she looks good and commercial enough.


  6. Why are people always suprised when a model or a gorgeous woman in general has a fugly boyfriend?

    People should know by now, it's not the looks these girls are after, it's the power and money. Simple.

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