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Posts posted by Skip

  1. This one:



    I don't know and have been looking to find out who she is for years now. Hope someone solves the mystery. :wave:

    And still the one from the body bare commercial


    Pretty sure this is Daniela Urzi. She got at least one cover around 2002, I think. :wave:

  2. Swim 2010 :wave:

    Thanks :wave:


    Kylie Bisutti

    Thanks. Wow, that is the model that won the model contest in last years Fashion Show, yes? :wave: This is the first time I have seen her in a catalog or on the web site. :whistle:

  3. I liked the show. I really liked seeing the newer models strut their stuff, like Miranda and Candice. I also liked seeing some of the old guard, like Heidi. Wish Karolina could have been in the show. I also really like they way they used technology to create “the look of the show”, like the train. I also liked the V shaped runway because it allowed the models to walk out without running into the returning models. The commercials were just awesome this year. Anyway, beautiful women in lingerie, what’s not to like. :wave:

    Oh, went back and watched the ’05 show (some believe is their best show), and actually think this years show was as good as that one. Of course, I think the “candy” segment in the ’05 show is still one of their best segments. :wave:

    All in all, I enjoyed watching this years show. :wave:


    Just watched the ’09 and ’05 shows yet again. I changed my mind. I think the ’09 show is better than the ’05 show. Who would have thunk it…. :wave:

    Oh, Russell James has to be the luckiest man on the planet. I should have gone into photography…. :wave:

    Edit 2:

    Wow, I think I love this show. It is awesome. It is closing in my favorite show, and I have been watching these shows since ’01. Every time I watch it gets better and better and I see something new I missed before. Great energy and tons of awesome stage looks and walks. I loved the segment with the birds towards the end that had the trees growing in the background and then all the birds taking flight. That was just awesome. I even like BEP now. Now nobody would have thunk that.

    OK, I am ready to call it. The ’09 show is my favorite VS fashion show of all time. :wave:

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