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Posts posted by a_avelar

  1. Enjoyed it very much, minus the awkward dancing scene between Harry and Hermione that I think was a little too soon after Ron left. Lets those not in the know think something could be going on between the two, even though the books are very clear.

    Granted, Ron's speech and Hermione's reaction helped a bit to take that dance scene's taste out of my mouth.

    Overall, can't wait until Part II.

  2. Suit yourself, buddy. I'm a straight male and she's cute as hell with her short hair. I know she's a girl, that's enough for me. Plenty of attractive female celebrities have or have had short haircuts and were still plenty desirable to me.

    Besides, though she may not have fullest curves, she dresses plenty feminine and fashionable to show off what she does have so that nobody can mistake her for a boy.

  3. Poor girl was freezing, considering she has goosebumps in every picture it seems.

    Still, she looked cute, sexy and classy yesterday at the premiere.

    I couldn't help but browse her pictures from the event all day yesterday.

    Emma definitely has a nice pair of legs to show off.

  4. Personally, I think she looks rather adorable and fresh. She definitely has the delicate features for it.

    Definitely an Audrey Hepburn, Mia Farrow thing going on.

    She's one of many to do it, including Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley and Carrie Mulligan.

  5. That's Zac Efron. And I don't actually think it was her date. They're friends, from what I've heard.

    Wait. Scratch that. That isn't Zac Efron. Just looked like him from the side.

  6. ^ Yeah, I really only love her because she's beautiful too. Sometimes in int's she's funny, but really it's just the face. I've never even seen her in a movie if I'm honest :whistle: I've only seen clips of her acting... which didn't overwhelm me!

    I don't want them to bring back Catwoman period. The character has already been done not so long ago and done well. They should bring back a different character that hasn't been used so much in the Batman series. Still, I could see Eva Green in the role if they did do it... but I don't want them too!

    By not so long ago do you mean almost 18 years ago? Batman Returns was released in 1992 and Halle Berry's Catwoman doesn't even count considering her Catwoman has nothing to do with the Catwoman from the Batman series.

  7. She may not be as good of an actress as any of the previous Catwomen, but I don't think she would have to be. If you put some glasses on her, I could see her capturing the awkward personality of Ms. Kile and with the suit and whip she already has the voice, mysteriousness and sultriness already :) .

    You're referring to the personality Tim Burton gave his Selina Kyle in Batman Returns. The Selina Kyle from the comics is anything but awkward nor did she wear glasses, unless they were stylish, expensive and for the sun. Burton took quite a few liberties with his films. Anyway, I still say no to Megan Fox as Selina Kyle/Catwoman, as attractive as she is. They need an adult. My personal choices are Eva Green or Marion Cotillard. Cotillard is actually filming Inception, directed Christopher Nolan, at the moment.

  8. Really? I thought Megan said she just asked him for a smoke in one interview...And that she doesn't like 20-somethings and that they are immature or something. :ninja:

    Which is funny, since Megan -- who is most certainly sexy as hell -- comes off as quite immature herself.

  9. she's gorgeous :wub:

    but I really don't like the poster :pinch: whats does Fudge have to do with her?

    That's Professor Slughorn, actually. Not Cornelius Fudge, the former Minister of Magic.

  10. From various podcasts and message boards, people have said that the quick glimpse of Hermione crying in the trailer is towards the end of the film after... you know...

    But I can't help but keep thinking that it's after she sees Lavender and Ron, instead. Maybe it's just me.

    I agree with you. I think it's about Ron, not about Dumbledor.

    Actually, based on this video, it's pretty obvious it's all about Ron. Thanks for agreeing! Ha!

  11. From various podcasts and message boards, people have said that the quick glimpse of Hermione crying in the trailer is towards the end of the film after... you know...

    But I can't help but keep thinking that it's after she sees Lavender and Ron, instead. Maybe it's just me.

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