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About Toxxy

  • Birthday 02/06/1987

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  1. Lyon

    Happy Birthday and 5 stars for you ^_^

  2. Toxxy

    Mystery Woman.

    Okay. I feel like an idiot. I've seen this woman everywhere, and I can't recall her name. Anyone who might know who she is I would reaaaally appreciate it. You'll save me hours of frustrations!!
  3. Baron: No, no.. Good lord, no. That wasn't directed towards you at all. I was referring to something earlier posted about haters. =[ I apologize, I haven't used forums very much and forget to quote things to avoid all this confusion.
  4. Haters, indeed. A real fan would be happy to see their idol's career taken to new heights. Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy! Tsk, tsk. And I have to agree!! Doutzen does make VS look very expensive. Aw, thanks zattoo!!
  5. Its so great to finally come across fans who appreciate what VS will do for Doutzen. I recently just discovered the model a few months ago-- I had seen a lot of her runway work, but never really had been able to put a name to the face. Since I finally started looking at her, knowing who she was, I fell in love with her. She's definitely one of my favorite models!!! I've come across other forums where everyone is ranting about how Doutzen is selling out by signing a contract with VS, and especially taking an Angel spot. <_< Way too many accussations saying 'Now she'll be putting bras on her head, and making goofy faces.' I think Doutzen's a class of her own, and it would be a big surprise if she did something like that.. but even if she does, so what? Its not wrong for Adriana (because we all know that's who the slams are directed at) has fun doing what she does?? Anyways, enough of the rant. I'm just glad I found other fans who think VS will be wonderful for Doutzen's career!
  6. I found her in an unknown face section of a site. Could anyone tell me who she is?
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