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Posts posted by controversiaster

  1. Rumour has it that Michael wants to have a viking themed wedding and wants Peter Andre to be his best man.

    Seriously my friend, is it just me or do we always seem to do each other's rumour?!

  2. jealous :cry:

    you're so lucky Helen , You come to China this year and it is Beijing Olmpics

    then you back to london and 4 years later it will be London Olmpics.

    You might go to be a volunteer and

    PLEASE take some pics of them to me


  3. @ Martin: You are right but I don't usually watch them because, well, I think they are tacky.

    @Christy: LOL, bleh, I am not into football much...

    @Lyon: I know!! OMG! I can't wait that long...But then again the next one is going to be in London so BWAHAHAHHAHAHA, I am looking forward to seeing them all over the city and go clubbing with them...:whistle:

  4. Hey M :)

    As for the huge posters, I wonder what they do with them too! I guess that you can ask the people at the shop to give it to you but I am always a little shy about it. Bleh, plus they might go "green" and say they are going to recycle all the old posters instead of giving them away....

  5. Exactly!!

    If they would only knew ... I mean I've waited since last July for this November to come ... and I don't consider myself as a big fan, just a "normal" one ... If they wouldn't want "their" actors to do other stuff they should have forbid it or something. A neat little sentence in the contract: Don't play naked with horses on broadway around the release date of HP-movies.

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