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Posts posted by Yasume

  1. It really does appear at least according to the media that BM is bitter about her relationship with Tom. She is voicing her jealousy through her friends. Now, it just might be overblown because the media has a tendency to that for attention.

    Gisele stated that she treats little John as her own son and that is good. How is that disrespectful? BM is going to have to get over it and realize that Gisele is Tom's wife and John's Stepmom. There it is...

    Again, it might be media hype... <_<

  2. I will definitely adhere to this rule and recognize that I too participated in some threads that were unnecessary and managed to get out of control.

    Thanks for bringing us back on topic. :)

    Thread Cleaned (Y)

    1. This is a News thread. Please stick to content that is informational and about recent/important events related to Adriana. All other irrelevant conversations should go into the General Discussion thread.

    2. Conversations about any allegations (such as a potential pregnancy, eating disorder, anything Adriana herself has stated/commented on, etc.) definitely does not belong in this thread or any other thread on BZ. I know we all have our suspicions about topics related to Adriana. Until we have more information to support any speculations, please refrain from having "questionable" conversations.

    A good rule of thumb is before you post, think: "What would Adriana think if she read what I am about to post"? If you think she would be very upset or respond extremely negative to the content, then don't post it!!!

    Thank you!!! :flower:

  3. I was referring to the cover up about waiting until marriage (the virgin thing) not the pregnancy rumors, which I don't think she is at this time.

    Yeah, the quick marriage is the classic cover-up, which also means the preganacy was most likely accidental and unplanned. She had sex, (although I bet it wasn't a one time thing) accidentally got pregnant, and thought 'oh quick let's get married now' so no one notices. That sounds about right.

    So I guess this means she'll be HUGE in her wedding dress in june.lol (so much for her looking svelt in her dress)

    And if she doesn't belive in birth control, she'll be popping them out one after the other....she'll be the new Heidi Klum

  4. Things did happen pretty fast!!

    That whole virgin thing just really put her in a difficult position. It received so much press that it was well-known, so she definitely had to do cover up.

    So do people think she eloped stictly BECAUSE she's pregnant? Or would she have eloped anyway regardless???

    I got to be honest. It was the FIRST thing I thought of. It may be cynical and mean, I'll admit it. But, I thought it.

    hehe yea, I thought the same thing. Most likely scenario as it looks now: Not only did she have sex before her wedding, she got knocked up before her wedding too. I guess she realized that with her past statements on virgininty and chastity, this preggo thing doesn't make her look very good so she did that insta-wed thing in order to cover it up.

    Oh well... congrats to them I guess. Soon those mini-Marko's will start popping out by the dozen :D From now on I will refer to Marko as Conquistador Jaric. He came, he saw, he conquered and then he came for real. And the wedding bells hadn't even sounded. What a stud!

  5. This conversation is too cute!! It reveals more personal information outside of modeling.

    I can also relate to the jump roping. I have the DVD from the trainer that works with Doutzen and Adriana. He is a former boxer who specializes in jump roping. It is one of the best workouts ever. :blink:

    But anyway, interesting convo between the two of them. Sometimes I bet they get tired of answering the same ole questions though. :laugh:

    Valentine's With Valentine (Uhovski)

    A Valentine's Day date at Gemma with two Victoria's Secret supermodels.

    Do you remember your first crush?

    Doutzen: I think I was about 10. I used to write letters to boys and leave flowers for my crushes. But nothing would ever happen.

    Adriana: My first crush was on the most popular guy in school. I was never the most popular girl. He was very blond and had long hair.

    Doutzen: In Bahia?

    Adriana: Yes! There are blondes everywhere in Brazil! Anyway, that didn't work out, so I got a crush on my Portuguese teacher. I fell in love with him and he had no idea. When I was 16, I moved to the city and had my first real infatuation on some male model. I actually had one of his guy friends write him a letter because I didn't speak a word of English. He didn't seem to notice me.

    Doutzen: Wow! And nothing happened? He must feel really sorry now!

    I'll bet. So who are more romantic: Brazilians or the Dutch?

    Doutzen: Oh, that's easy - Brazilians.

    Adriana: It's all about attitude. I don't care where he's from. Even if he's shy, you can make him more comfortable with time.

    Do you have any secret talents?

    Doutzen: Hmm. We've become really good at rope-jumping lately!

    Adriana: We actually see each other a lot at the gym. I don't go to too many parties, so that's how we spend time together. I think we can both jump rope for more than an hour.

    Doutzen: I've also learned how to stand on my head!

    Adriana: She's a sly one. Tell Val about your other secret talent.

    Doutzen: Speed skating? It's huge in the Netherlands. I know you're secretly good at something too, Adriana!

    Adriana: I've gotten really into painting lately. I do small watercolor canvases. It calms me down. I could practically meditate with brushes. Right now, it's a very amateur thing, but maybe one day I'll make it into a gallery. Who knows?

    You both box with a trainer. Is that to relieve stress?

    Doutzen: We do shadow boxing. We don't really hit anyone. But I still take my aggression out on a bad day sometimes and pretend I'm hitting someone who wasn't nice to me.

    Adriana: Yeah, it's awesome. I've tried everything, and treadmills get boring. Boxing is very energizing and it makes you thinner and more muscular.

    Describe your ideal Valentine's Day.

    Doutzen: It's really just about spending time with someone you love. It truly doesn't have to be extravagant.

    Adriana: I love getting attention and gifts from those I love. It doesn't have to be big. It could be a letter. I have to start writing more letters, too. It's one of my many resolutions this year.

    What are your plans for tonight?

    Adriana: I'm going to Jackson Hole with my fiance. It will be cold, so we'll probably just stay in the cabin and make each other warm.

    Doutzen: I will just have really amazing quiet time with my boyfriend and really not care about anything around us.

    What are you obssessed with right now?

    Doutzen: Green juice! It's just so healthy!

    Adriana: My boyfriend. We've been together for two years, and got engaged in June on my birthday.

    Doutzen: My birthday was last month. I just turned 24.

    Adriana: Don't even tell me that! I'm 27 and I feel like I've done this forever. I remember my first Victoria's Secret show, and my knees were literally trembling. I remember seeing Stephanie Seymour and I was just in awe. I'm not even going into all the other amazing girls...

    Doutzen: My first job was in the Hamptons with Alessandra Ambrosio, and I just kept thinking, Oh. My. God. Alessandra!

    Do you ever watch videos of yourself on the runway?

    Doutzen: Sometimes with my boyfriend. You can't watch them with too many people around because you get too self-conscious about them judging your body.

    Adriana: I was at home on the couch, too, when I first saw myself. I remember texting you, Doutzen!

    What are your secret indulgencies?

    Adriana: I die for frozen grapes. They're so delicious. And I'm obsessed with several new Brazilian soap operas. They are so over the top.

    Doutzen: Chocolate for sure. And also kissing someone you love. That's the best feeling when you kiss a guy and he enjoys it and appreciates it. That ah! moment. Not that I want to kiss anyone but my boyfriend...

    Any plans after modeling? Adriana, you did a movie with Mickey Rourke, right?

    Adriana: It was a short one, called The Follow. My English was very limited back then, but I think I improved with my Ugly Betty appearance last year.

    Doutzen: I also think about projects beyond modeling. It doesn't have to be acting, but you have to think about those things. We're so busy with everything, but we have to realize that it might end one day. You have to be realistic. Or not.

    The Daily/ thefashionspot


    I like them so much!! .. I wish they were lesbians

    ...that amy pic is awesome! :)

  6. Good quality and nice!!

    It is amazing how Adri can look so sweet on candids but becomes fire in VS and editorials.

    Is it me or does Doutzen appear a little uncomfortable?






  7. I will have to agree...this pic is nice!!

    I am sure the others will look good as well!! :)

    Adriana has an editorial in the March issue of Elle USA.


    wow, that's going to make a great wallpaper... can't wait

  8. I understand that is your opinion and you have a right to it. However, I am going to have to disagree with you. She is not fat. She looks great-healthy, and toned to me. :)


    Who said anything about "virgin" or "virginity"? I never said it. I just said she was fat. Like Jessica Simpson fat.

    Okay, so let me get this straight. When Spanky is out doing promotions for VS, all the flying kisses and smiles are all....FAKE? GASP!!!! NOOOOoooo!!!! :shock:


  9. I was reading a Sports blog saying that his injury was taking quiet a bit of time to heal. I thought to myself, hell, he looks like he was enjoying his time off from the game.

    Ole Tom is whipped!! :drool:

  10. I know that this is a different topic but I don't know any other place to put this bit of information.

    Okay. There is yet another story about Gisele and Tom getting engaged. I heard about this a week or two ago. Then their families and reps denied the rumor. Now in today's People magazine, it is being reported again.

    Whose releasing this information to the public, I don't get it and why are people so anxious for them to get engaged.


    I am not a fan of celebrity mags and sites but usually People seems to be credible than others. But who knows... :whistle:

  11. What is the big deal about nude pics from 2 years ago? :o

    These models are from other countries where nudity is not an issue like here in the U.S. It is what it is. The paparazzi is always trying to stir some kind of controversy over nothing. I am from the U.S. and yes, I will admit that one. The models look fabulous and work like hell on their bodies. ;)

    Those of us that follow this industry know Mario Testino's photography and he is well-known. Parents don't always see it that way and then you have to explain it.

    Thats not a problem ... Kate Moss also got a american vogue cover this year and I dont think she's been in that magazine for a very LONG time

    I really think the next model who will appear on the US vogue will be Doutzen .. she's worth it :p

    Anna Wintour and Doutzen still see each other on parties and talking etc ... so thats not a problem :)


    The nude pics from V magazine shot by mario testino are all over the dutch websites .. everyone talks about it :laugh:

  12. Wow!!

    If it is true that she views this site. Please allow me to send a message:

    I want to wish you the best Emanuela and keep bringing that fabulous energy to the runway, Victoria's Secret and beyond!!!

    Peace :wave:


    Hi everyone, how are you???

    Emanuela again thanked all the affection and the messages. She monitors everything that you post and talk about it here in the thread!!!

    At this moment, she's in the Bahamas until day 12, as you can see in the photo she sent me... Then, she returns to New York to film a new commercial for Victoria's Secret and day 22, arrives in Brazil to spend the Christmas and New Year!!!

    She again invites all to follow the blog that I'm doing. Soon, she should begin posting there: http://emanueladepaula.blogspot.com


    Leo and ManĂº

  13. The runway models of today are very skinny without any shape or curves. I would have to agree that Doutzen is curvier and more fit than what one sees on runway. That is one of the things that makes VS different. ;)

    Thanx Blom. you seem to know your stuff. Though I do not agree on the Big Models not doing fashion shows. My nephew lives in Milan and had a host of models sleeping at his house during fashionweeks. The likes of Evangelista and McPerson. Those were big models but did fashion weeks.

    Any idea what her auction last night at the Oranjebal did?

    Times have changed, Back in the days of the Supermodels (the real supermodels who everybody knew) fashionshows payed a lot for the supermodels, that's why they did the shows. Nowadays fashionshows don't pay well and it very stressfull. Most of the girls with big contracts (like VS, Maybeline) don't do shows or do one or two ocationatly. Doutzens body isn't really the best for the runway (not my opinion though) She has to much curves I think...

    I have no idea how much she got last night, I'm curious though...

    doutzen? curvy? YOURE KIDDING! :shock:

  14. I saw this version of the Xmas commercial last nite while watching Desperate Housewives. It is cute and its only Adriana. :laugh:


    Apparently, Adriana gets to have her own version of the VS Xmas commercial. And apparently, WE are the only ones that have it in High Definition. ;)


    featuring Adriana Lima

    Click on the thumbnail to download the 720p HD commercial!



    Big thanks to JoeK and AFL for the heads up. BTW, isn't it odd that the XMAS commercial uses the song "We Three Kings"? I don't know, it just sounded weird to put that song next to some VS Angels. :blink:


  15. Heidi will probably talk over Adriana. :o

    I notice that Adriana is getting better at doing interviews. I don't think that she was always comfortable with interviews due to her quiet nature and challenges with English. I think about an interview that she did some years ago that's on Youtube. The host commented on her accent and it wasn't nice. I thought that was so rude. <_<

    But she is getting there. Hell, I want to learn Portuguese but is difficult for me. :laugh:


    It's been announced that Adriana and Heidi will be making an appearance on the "Mike & Juliet" morning show on FOX on December 3rd (the day of the VSFS 2008 broadcast). I certainly hope she does more interviews other than this one.

    First of all, Mike & Juliet is a total suck-ass talk show. I've tried watching it various times before and its just a pain in the ass. Secondly, it's not filmed in High Def and Juliet is an airhead and Mike is a total tool. But if I have to trudge through these two hosts just to see them ask Adriana dumb questions like "What's it like to walk around in lingerie in front of millions of people?", then I guess I have to do it.


  16. Well, what you say doesn't surprise me. They appear to be the typical corporate giant-no respect for employees.

    Even though sales are down, I bet that they are maintaing that marketing budget, which is in the millions. The modeling contracts are like couple of million each right?

    :blink: :blink:

    Okay. Back on topic-Adriana.

    VS must be doing good in these tough economic times. Other retail stores are closing or laying people off. But VS continues to open stores... :blink: :blink:

    The company is not doing well at all. VS is not only down in sales plan but they are also making less than they did last year. But compare to other retailers, VS isn't doing TOO bad.

    VS would never lay anyone off. However they would find lame reasons to fire you, or not schedule you and hope you would quit. That way they don't have to pay you unemployment benefit.

    The Lexington store is the new flagship store and it is also a test store. The company wants to head in a new direction.

    @Pink: How can AAOF and AFL "attend" the store opening at Lexington when it already happened? The date on the ad says "November 18th", unless the date was changed.
  17. VS must be doing good in these tough economic times. Other retail stores are closing or laying people off. But VS continues to open stores... :blink: :blink:

    Anyway, did anybody attend this store opening? I don't live in the NYC, so SOMEONE must've known about it.

    Click on the thumbnail to view the Mega-UHQ scan!



  18. Haha!

    I wonder if he knew that she was going to kiss him.:blush: She had to bend quiet a bit. The models are already tall and then they have on some :evil: high a** heels

    After she kissed him, It looked like she took an awkward step. I was thinking-"o no, Adriana, please don't fall". LOL... :blink:

    Wow, Usher is a lucky guy! :drool:


    Oh awesome! Where's the footage from??

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