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Posts posted by sweeps

  1. :drool: :drool: :drool: can't get enough on evandro!!! :D

    i hope they'll upload the alejandro video in europe... i can't watch it at the moment :(:(

    do you guys want biiiiiig HQ scans from Hercules? :)

    try in vimeo.com

    here u go http://vimeo.com/12426889

    hope u can see it here

    :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

    Oh my god i love you :D:D:D thank you thank you thank you!!! <3

  2. RUMOUR has it that kaka might be goin to chelsea...:(

    these rumpours are so funny XD he wont go, no panic. he has a clause in his contract which says he can't leave real madrid, just when the other club pays 100!!!! Million... and i don't think chealse will do this + Kaká, according to his interviews in the last time, is happy in Madrid and will stay :)

  3. Some good News Girls:

    EVANDRO WILL BE IN HERCULES SS 2010 !!!! New Year, new stuff, i think that sounds veeeeery good for us and something more is new: he cut his hair... i think a little bit too much but... anyway, he's hot as ever :heart:

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    October 2009

    TITEL: Asta Nielsen

    PHOTOG.: Karl Lagerfeld

    post-18473-0-1446024156-02874_thumb.jpg post-18473-0-1446024156-0588_thumb.jpg

    scaned by me ;)

    all of my scans i have in big, but when i upload them, they are getting smaler -.- it sucks. but if you need them in big for what ever ask me, i can send you the scans :)


    October 2009

    TITEL: Die Halbstarken / in englisch it's maybe called the teenagers , I'm not sure. I just now that this is the titel of the Horst Buchholz film, but it's a german film and i don't now if there is an english tranlsation for it.

    PHOTOG.: Karl Lagerfeld

    post-18473-0-1446024145-15248_thumb.jpg post-18473-0-1446024146-7543_thumb.jpg post-18473-0-1446024147-74612_thumb.jpg post-18473-0-1446024148-74465_thumb.jpg

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    scaned by me ;)


    it's a double cover, that's why i post this little animation i found :D

    and yes of course karl loves naked Baptiste, but he's hot naked, isn't he?


    my next post will include the 4th shoot from vogue germany ;) photobucket is now on his way to upload the scans! :D

  7. Got a trick for the internet :D

    You're right MauiKane, i think ithey make kind of a recognition value for him, also for Karl <3

    More Vogue Germany:


    TITEL: Das Fräulein Claudia / Miss Claudia

    PHOTOG.: Karl Lagerfeld


    TITEL: Monokel Diele / monocle floor (I'm not sure about the translation from german to english, sry XD)

    PHOTOG.: Karl Lagerfeld

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    post-18473-0-1446024128-03242_thumb.jpg post-18473-0-1446024128-0408_thumb.jpg

    both scaned by me!

    Got a trick for the internet :D but now i really have to go,'cause here in germany it's after 1:0 AM

  8. Here we go, first the wallpaper shoot x)



    October 2009

    In This Magazin Karl Lagerfeld was a guest Editor ;)

    [baptiste is also on the Cover of the Magazin, but i haven't scaned it, but you get it later, it's damn hot :D]

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    scnaed by me

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