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Posts posted by Magical

  1. 8 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

    ^Leos side: It was never supposed for a public release in the first place. It was all about making money with the names of him and Tobey (after the success of TItanic and Spider-Man) by turning a short film into a feature without their permission.


    Others side: A response to that New York Post story.



    At some point Dale Wheatley even wrote an open letter blaming Leo and especially Tobey Maguire for everything what went wrong in Hollywood using his power and Leo and influence and shit.


    My side: Leo played a misogynistic dick in that movie. Of course he wasn't thrilled for everyone seeing this more important because most of the story were improvised. If Leo cares for one thing it's his serious public image as an actor. Even then it wouldn't have exactly looked -uhm- good for him; call it art or not. But honestly, I don't think this movie is worth all the fuss. :idk:


    888887e3f274ebe5e20c9d6480da294e.gif tumblr_mux9g4pRjY1qzk2upo3_r1_500.gifv


    The Five Scenes Leonardo DiCaprio Should Be Most Ashamed Of In ‘Don’s Plum’


    • The scene early on in the film where Leo’s character unloads on a character played by Amber Benson (who would go on to play Tara on Buffy the Vampire Slayer), calling her a c*nt and a “beeeyotch” and threatening to shove alternately his shoe and a bottle into her fave. Again: playing a character. But also: not the kind of character who fit in with the Romeo-then-Jack-Dawson trajectory of Leo’s career. There’s a later scene in the movie where Leo’s character calls Jenny Lewis’ character a whore for not having sex with him. (...) The question of how much of himself Leo was bringing to the role is unanswerable, but the idea that he was improvising these scenes with his buddies gives the whole film a kind of Stanford Prison Experiment meta-vibe.


    He probably would burn Critters 3 too if he had the opportunity lmao




    It's hard to tell what's the truth.



    However at least he's nice to look at LOL





    The Foot Shooting Party 🥴

  2. 55 minutes ago, kellybsblover said:

    lol same---- Can I just stare at him for a split second from my tv screen. The cameras are always very generous to him when he does show up and I also watch to see who his date is going to be. I would say it could be a toss up between mama or Camila or both?


    Don't worry. everyone is afraid of the new variant omicron! The ceremony may be online!!

  3. 5 hours ago, oxford25 said:



    Tks for more Polestar pix :) 




    Tks for alert to CBS / Sunday interview :) 


    I do sometimes wonder if Leo can sleep with his eyes open as he does often seem like he is sleeping/ zoning out in his recent interviews :p 

    I think it's his way of focusing on something. I have a friend,  when you talk to him, he seems like in another world but he responds to me in the end! Lol

    Maybe he thinks about what he will say next!

  4. 7 hours ago, CPofJordan said:


    Then why is he dating her lol his personal and professional life are always opposing each other. People don’t take him seriously because of his personal life


    People  don't take him seriously because he loves models, parties full of models , models, guys who love models and for being an actor!


    And I believe that this is his real ❤passion more than the environment thing.



    He should do what he wants because people will not be satisfied!!  You can't make everyone happy!!






  5. 9 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

    I do think that Camila is special, but it's kind of a toss-up. Leo strikes me as having some kind of geopolitical aspirations, but at his age and with his rep, landing an 'appropriate' type is in fact borderline impossible. He does not strike me as someone who is moving forward, but is in a flux romantically and personally.


    I do think that Camila is special to him, but it's kind of a toss-up. Leo strikes me as having some kind of geopolitical aspirations, but at his age and with his rep, landing an 'appropriate' type is in fact borderline impossible. He does not strike me as someone who is moving forward, but is in a flux romantically and personally. I think he has a fully secure Hollywood career, but he is yearning to be taken mores seriously by substantive types. Camila would be perfect for a Hollywood career/life, but he is yearning to be part of the UN/geopolitical scene. Thing is, that since he has no education or qualifications, he isn't able to have the best of both and it is clear that he isn't that interested in formal learning. So go figure, he would have to attract and land a serious type, kind of like Amal Clooney, but with better qualifications/standing than Amal. He can't bring Camila to UN stuff since in his eyes, Camila doesn't have standing enough to help him be taken seriously and she has no connections to geopolitics, so she can't do anything for him there.

    Rihanna is a national hero of Barbados. lol

  6. 2 hours ago, BarbieErin said:


    Sweety, I should not respond you BUT I will do it anyway, if they did get nominated that's great if they are not nominated that's great as well. The only thing that really matters for me is that a new movie with Leo is coming and that already makes me very happy, awards or not, I'am glad Leo movie will be released soon, that's all, peace in your heart!  :cain:


     You shouldn't so why you did it 😂


    Believe me Dear. I will never ever respond to yours again.  Promise You and that " big mouth Saliva 🤤"


    For other members Sorry for this annoying conversation. 🚩🏳




  7. 5 hours ago, Sliva said:


    Of course you think so, hater. But, unfortunately (for you) J. Lawrence is out from all  prediction lists from big media sites, including Gold derby, Variety and Awardswatch. Lol 

    I don't care about your emotional bias.

    I am talking here from my critical eyes😂😜 

    Why do you hate J.L that much?!

    Yuck, hater Silva!


    My critical soul tells me that no one in this movie will be nominated for anything. But I won't judge it before watch it. Do you know why?! Because I  am an open minded critic. 😎


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