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Status Updates posted by FRANCY ITALY

  1. thanks for passing in my personal page..

  2. do you really know the guy of my set?i cannot wait for someone to make me the set, so i made it by myself ahahaha he is so similar to my ex boyfriend

  3. in pratica girava lo spot della gatorade.. quindi quando lo vedrai alla tele ti ricorderai di me!

  4. basta che non siamo fuori dalla champions.. ti devo raccontare una cosa, oggi ho visto kak

  5. you are so lovely!!!

  6. incredibile!!!!! lo sapevo che all'inter finiva cos

  7. how are you dear? i am loving what you wrote in your personal statement

  8. oh dear now i am a little better! did you enjoyed your weekend?

  9. thanks a lot for your friendship..

  10. hi my lovely.. i had some problem with my pressure and then with other things.. you are so sweet to ask me.. how about u?

  11. your last signature with black and white lily is just amazing!

  12. aaaaaaaaahhhhh quanto ci godo che li abbiamo battuti! seguivo da una televisioncina minuscola ma seguivo..

  13. sigh... sn svenuta circa una settimana fa.. e in pratica ho dei problemi di pressione.. tu come stai?

  14. thanks for isabeli pics at met!

  15. my lovely look at my signature, thanks a lot for your love and your messages!

  16. look at my signature! thanks a lot for your messages, they are always lovely with me

  17. i am at hospital since a week.. sigh i miss you all my friends

  18. that movie was quite good, but not my genre.. now my brother wants to see with me saw 4. we have already seen 1 2 3..omg

  19. aaaaahhhhhhh you called me carino.. it is for a male.. you should say hi carina.. :) i'm quite fine.. i've watched the dvd of the exorcism of emily rose!

  20. happy birthday to you!!!!

  21. hi dear! today 1 may is a day of vacation in italy..

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