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Posts posted by tlwfreak02

  1. i think also it was the pressure...it's not easy to be no.1...

    but i was excited to see her on wimbledon and then she lost...

    i just hope she will recover in no time... so she can kick more asses :)

  2. Well after reading everyone's opinions about this, I thought I'd just chime in.

    I do understand both ends of the discussion (one being that some are being overcritical of a more womanly figure and the other being that her industry demands a certain shape maintenance to justify her earnings)....and considering these points, I've got to say that I'm on the fence because both points are valid in my opinion.

    For me, the most important issue is the body confidence that I have read about a few times from other members. I cannot commend her more for accepting herself for who she is and injecting a little bit of 'humanity' into what is sometimes a distressing and fantasy-like industry. (Yes, as 'regulars', we do look in awe at these surreal and stunning specimens, but at the end of the day, this industry should be about creativity and escapism...taking it all too seriously leads to the unfortunate "idolism" of emancipated figures and materialism - and we all read about the physical and emotional toll of 'trying to fit in' in such a transient and random industry).

    Karolina shows us that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there can never be one standard. At the beginning of her career she represented society's typical vision of a runway model...the rare few who are born with limbs for miles and not a squishy body part in sight. As she became to grow, she started filling out and now she represents a woman who is comfortable in her skin and who is embracing every curve and toned muscle and maintaining her inner health. We each look at these phases differently and most likely have our preference.

    KK has said herself that she is not a doll and has emotions and self-doubt at times. Maybe she's going through a rough period in her life and that is how her body deals with stress, maybe it's hormones, maybe it's indulgence..who knows and frankly, who cares why. I just hope that this sort of press doesn't make her think she is anything but beautiful and unique.

    Oops, that turned out longer than I meant!

    Conclusion: KK is and will always be fabulous!

    AMEN to that! :)

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