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Posts posted by spidermanjenny

  1. good :)

    eating and having healthy habits is the best way. i used to snack WAAAAYYY too much...espeically on like cheez-its and ice cream and other fatty foods. but having some self control ;) and only eating when i'm really hungry or only eating 2-3 meals a day without any snacking in between can really help :)

    ...along with some excercising :)

    i love cheez-its but I quit in eating kunk food. am trim. i weigh about 115 pounds I would want to lose 6

  2. i understand what you're saying jenny. trust me i've been there. but what motivates me to consistently excercise everyday is how good i feel about myself and my body after working out.

    i know it sounds cheesy but it seriously does motivate me :)

    with your motivation, it motivates me.

  3. yeha so jenny how tall are you??

    cause if you want to be 100 pounds you should be really short...around 5'3'' i think.

    am 5-2

    ok then that's pretty healthy i think.

    my sister's best friend is 5'2'' and she's like 95 pounds, but she's healthy so 100 should be good

    I would never stop eating just eat the right way :):):):)

  4. Diet pills are a short-term, unhealthy alternative.

    yeup. cause once you stop using the pills, you're just going to gain all or most of the weight you lost, back.

    just excercise. i do about an hour of pilates everyday <i use the pilates DVD> and i consistently run at least a mile everyday. adn that can really help your body....

    I need someone to motivate me in exercise videos or else I don't do it because it gets boring just myself doing it. I would need a partner

  5. No, it really depends on height if you will look aneroxic skinny :yes:. Will if you aren't naturally 100 pounds and you drop down to 100 pounds you pretty much are asking yourself to be called the girl that doesn't eat. :idk: And I've always belived that life is about feeling good inside and out. And to achieve that happiness on your physical appearance by taking diet pills is I guess okay (please don't kill me) :ninja:. But you should do it the healthy way, besides you don't wanna end up all sick and in a hospital :yes: hospitals really stink. :D

    I don't find myself fat but I just want to lose a couple of pounds. I weigh about 115 pounds . Is that am a thick person am not thin.

  6. I would stay away from diet pills. A healthy diet combined with exercise is still the best way to lose weight.

    Diet pills are a short-term, unhealthy alternative.

    your right I could get really sick

  7. to be honest, diet pills are dangerous and they are nothing more but laxatives that make you get the "runs" and you lose weight.

    i wouldn't try the pills, seems risky.

    don't take the easy way out to get a fit body, just....excercise. that's what i do. like even running 1 mile each day can totally make a diffenrece in your body.....or it should.

    sorry to preach to you :blush:

    or eat nature's laxatives...fruit. if you eat tons of fruits you get the runs and you lose weight, pretty much.

    I think so too. I lost weight but I want to lose 5 more to weight exactly 1oo pounds

  8. Thank you so much for the help. I've heard that hoodia is the best one that has come out s far. have you tried hoodia? I had a question. they say that the diet pill nv is good, is it true?

    thank you so much

  9. He is always traveling and he has so many contacts for photography. To take pictures is about $1,000 to $4,000 a pic. But I guess your right I can't wait on him. I really want it and I'll do my best. Which one do I click a list came out.

    thank you so much for the help

  10. Well you don't have to move to California for an acting career. there are many people that are actors that has started from, Florida,Texas all over the place then they promote you to California because thats where it all starts.

    thank you so much

  11. i'm guessing that to start with it'll be similar to trying to start a modeling career by getting an agent, then they can line up some auditions....

    or just look online for some stuff too

    Do you have an experiences that may help me? thank you so much for writing back :)

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