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Posts posted by miicah

  1. Sorry, it took a while. I just haven't found the time to do them. Anyways, here you guys and please credit me when/if you use it :hehe: :flower:

    Miicah's - post-16536-0-1446183147-97665_thumb.gif

    :drool: :drool: :drool: Thank you Thank you Thank you :heart: :heart: :heart:

  2. Nooooo way! I've loved her ever since

    i laid eyes on her, which was since i was like 8 or 9

    and now I'm 15, Honey I will always love her,

    and you will always see me posting here on

    Bellazon for the longest. I stick to what i love

    unlike some people.

    Sorry to be so off topic

    Well as long as your not one of those creepy obsessed stalker kind of fans, then its all good :)
  3. OKAY on this video at the time 01:54 Does anyone have the GIF??

    PLLLLEEASSEEE tell me :))

    I do. If you want it, let me know and I'll be happy to replace my tag into your name :)


    Hot Hot hoottttt *heart attack*... can you make me one too?

  4. especially that part when the guy asked Adriana what her

    favorite kind of movies were and she's like PORN!

    . . . . just kidding , What a personality! aahhh i love her


    Can you post the down loadable version of the video

    you made? [ If its not too much trouble :) ]

    Really she really siad that as a joke?

    You could always download Youtube Downloader http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0.html?t...er&tag=srch DL any vids of youtube and convert them into your desired format AVI, MPeg4 etc...

  5. Theres been alot of Adriana Fakers but is this the Real Deal www.myspace.com/angeladriana ??? It says so on Wikipedia.

    And has Adriana Ever done Nude photoshoots? I heard she did with those black and white ones.

  6. Not if you find their accents sexy and charming I guess. Which I do.

    An accent can help models, but it can't "save" them.

    If they can barely talk English and have the vocabulary of a 9-year-old then even the sweetest of all accents will not make a difference.

    I luv Adrianas accent, you should watch that Interview she did on the Late Late show. It was so cute.

  7. I haven't seen any VS catalogs. I don't know where to get them, am I suppose to order them or something?

    You can order them

    in the Victoria's Secret

    website, and if you have a credit card with

    them or something you can get them mailed

    to your house. :)

    So i have to pay for the catalogs??

  8. well u guys cant say that, u never know. i heard there are like 3 people in the world which look exactly the same..so im sure someone probably does look like adriana

    I once saw a girl posting she looked like Adriana on Yahoo ask questions, I clicked on the image link and damn for a second there I thought I was looking at a younger version of Adriana Lima. So I believe there are lookalikes in the world, but those two are definitely not it (no offense)

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