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Posts posted by Cindy

  1. Hi :wave:

    Ronaldo and his children :wub: :

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    Ronaldo has announced his retirement from football with his children :

    post-16174-1297913856_thumb.jpg post-16174-1297913951_thumb.jpg post-16174-1297914121_thumb.jpgpost-16174-1297918356_thumb.jpg post-16174-1297918273_thumb.jpgpost-16174-1297918573_thumb.jpgpost-16174-1297916770_thumb.jpg post-16174-1297917503_thumb.jpgpost-16174-1297918704_thumb.jpg

    post-16174-1297918814_thumb.jpgpost-16174-1297918999_thumb.jpg post-16174-1297917039_thumb.jpgpost-16174-1297919152_thumb.jpg don't cry :(

    A tearful Ronaldo said goodbye to soccer, having finally met an opponent he couldn't overcome.

    His body no longer able to meet the demands of the game, the 34-year-old striker retired Monday. He ends a magnificent career in which he won two World Cups with Brazil and thrived with some of Europe's top teams. He played 18 years despite repeated knee trouble and leaves as a three-timer FIFA Player of the Year and the top goal scorer in World Cup history.

    "It's very hard to leave something that made me so happy," Ronaldo said at a news conference, with sons Alex and Ronald by his side. "Mentally, I wanted to continue, but I have to acknowledge that I lost (the fight) to my body."

    Now he confronts a new stage, shadowed by all that's left behind.

    "With this announcement," he said, "it feels like it's my first death."

    Ronaldo said a string of injuries the past two years kept him from playing at a high level with the Brazilian club Corinthians. He also learned four years ago he had hypothyroidism, making it difficult for him to lose weight and stay in shape.

    "The pain made me anticipate the end of my career," Ronaldo said. "It hurts when I go up the stairs - people who are close to me know this. I've given my life to football. I don't regret anything, but I can't keep going."

    Ronaldo blamed the excessive number of games and practices for his physical decline. A muscle injury last week was the final blow.

    "I thought about it at home and realized that it was time," he said. "I had given everything that I had."

    I Looove :heart: Ronaldo ForEver :wub:

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