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Posts posted by isabella

  1. A little late to the party, I know ;p - just wanted to say I think she looks AMAZING!!! Tom looks great as well (such a great couple! <3) Thanks all for the pics! :)

    PS: U guys believe she's on E!'s Worst Dressed list? They called the look "skimpy" and "a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen". Pff, go figure. But come to think of it, well, I guess the fact that neither Miley Cyrus or Kim K. (among many others) are on that list, pretty much says it all, doesn't it? lol :D

  2. Brandon Davis who? :laugh:

    I saw a lady on the morning news making fun of Gisele hair, after she called Gisele's remarks unclassy. Making fun of someone's messy hair is something I would expect from a Kindergartener. :blink:

    check out this guy: :laugh:

    LOL, LOVE this guy, he said it all! :laugh:

  3. Giants's Brandon Davis on Gisele: "She just needs to continue to be cute and shut up".

    actually WTF he wants ??? Gi's not said anything about him or Giants so "He just needs to continue to be ugly and shut up"

    :laugh: Exactly!! Hahahah, took the words out of my mouth!

  4. Am I the only one that laughs hard at this? :rofl:
    Just saw this reaction to Gisele's current faux pas - and thought of our discussion:
    Unsurprisingly, the defensive players that Gisele Bündchen insulted after the Patriots' Super Bowl loss ��" "You have to catch the ball when you're supposed to catch the ball," she said, "My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time! I can't believe they dropped the ball so many times" ��" are not pleased with her remarks. "You can't point fingers at anybody. Wes made amazing plays all season," said a guy who was apparently supposed to catch the fucking ball, referring apparently to another guy who was supposed to catch the fucking ball.

    This is pure gold. I actually like the moments when she is so human (and nasty :evil: ) - and anyone can go and hate and say how inappropriate it was. It was, and so what? World is not gonna fall, and I´d do the same if I was her, lol.

    Actually I did it several times (in case to protect my fl) - but it never went this famous :laugh:

    yeah isabella the sexism of it all is really grossing me out. So pathetically double standard. but hey if someone wants their name out there in the public, now is the time to do it and ride on Gisele's coattail.

    Agreed!!! I also found this article from askmen.com particularly interesting, here's an excerpt:

    "No one wants to draw any extra attention to their mistakes, and any good teammate will come to his colleague’s aid. Really, though, wasn’t that all Gisele was doing? Yes, it wasn’t the classiest or most reserved remark, but she was dealing with hecklers, not reporters. She wasn’t being questioned about whether or not she thought anyone in particular was responsible for the loss; she was being accosted with “ELI OWNS YOUR HUSBAND.” If I were Tom Brady, I’d be proud that my wife wasted no time in sticking up for me. Especially if I were Tom Brady, because she said something he simply couldn’t say but has probably thought somewhere around a million times during his career. She laid it out there and is taking the brunt of the criticism, allowing him to maintain composure and avoid some of the spotlight. I don’t know many men who wouldn’t want a lady with that kind of gumption and dedication.

    Yes, I know in this case it’s hard to point out any one person who held the Pats back. That safety Brady caused in their first possession probably set the tone for the whole game, and despite having a great game overall, there were multiple times when different targets were unable to pull down the ball. I know all that. I’m just tired of the lack of accountability and frankly kind of shocked at all the ire generated by an off-the-cuff comment from a supermodel. I didn’t even know she spoke English.

    Guys, give Gisele a break. Supermodels married to Hall of Fame quarterbacks have it hard enough as it is."


  5. Giants's Brandon Jacobs on Gisele: "She just needs to continue to be cute and shut up".

    Also super classy. Sexist? Not at all. No no no. *sarcasm* And not a remark made at the heat of the moment and dealing with hecklers, might I add. A deliberate, much more personal attack, IMHO.

    Strange thing, I fail to see the same controversy around his response. Where's all the bashing and hatred towards him? Not that I wish that upon him or anyone else, just, double standards... funny. #not

    Edit: Brandon Jacobs (agh, so sorry :blush: ) not Davis. Brandon Davis is some other douche. Corrected it, though, for what it's worth...

  6. 1. She has an 8th grade education.

    2. She has a surgically altered nose, and surgically altered breasts. (Google it, you'll see.)

    3. She has $100 million, gives $1 million to charity, and everyone says she's "so charitable."

    4. She claims to be a big environmentalist and builds a home five times as big as she needs, no matter how "eco-friendly" it may be.

    5. She knew she was under the spotlight, especially after her email privacy was violated (a terrible thing). She lacked the common sense to simply say nothing and continue to wait for her private elevator.

    :blink: ...She may or may not have had plastic surgery, has an 8th grade education, a big house... Wow. What an insufferable hag she must be. Pfff... :laugh:

    Lemme know when any of this is relevant and you have an actual argument there. Until then... :wave:

  7. I just think that she's very passionate and outspoken, and obviously very very human, sometimes people forget that, myself included. Like with the breast milk thing, which was blown out of proportion and suddenly she's "mean, evil, snotty", etc. And if it's "an ordinary girl" talking about breastfeeding with her friends, it's ok. But no, it's Gisele. She's known for all these superlatives, über model, highest paid, most beautiful... but at the end of the day, in her personal life, with her family, her beliefs, she's just very human. She seems extremely professional to me, her job is a day at the office, and she leaves it there, on/off button, she doens't take any of that home (except for a fat check), where she just wants to be Gisele the super mom, wife, daughter and sister, etc. I respect all these things a lot. And I believe that everyone around her respect that too, because they know her, and accept, they get that it doesn't come from a bad place. It's just her speaking her mind and what's in her heart, and that's an admirable quality to have. Maybe including Tom's team mates and their wives, they must know her well by now. And she seems like a really great person, doesn't she? I certainly think so.

    I also understand that for Tom it must be hard sometimes, because, it's his career. He's just as competitive as the next athlete, he doesn't want to lose, and no, that doesn't make him a bad person in the slightest. Also in sports you know how sometimes ppl will throw insults "you suck, your mama... etc" to take your mind off the game, and multiply that by 10 when you're married to someone like Gisele. The things he must hear on and out that field. He's human too. And she feels for him obviously. You love somebody, if they're unhappy, you're unhappy too. Somebody messes with your family, what's your gut reaction, let's be frank?

    It's just the feeling that because they're such high profile public figures, they should know better by now and be used to it. But I don't blame her at all. At the end of the day, screw the rest, bad/good press whatever, that's my husband and he matter the most to me. I cannot not have the uttermost respect for that. Go GI!!!!!

  8. Good for Alessandra, fantastic model and a great girl, luv her and all, that's indisputable


    :blink: "Brazilian icon", associated with D&G, should refer to Gisele - that is, if this were to make any sort of sense.

    I'll chalk it up to poorly chosen - or cleverly chosen, marketing-wise - words, as well. And PR doesn't have to make a lotta sense, just draw attention (especially in this industry) and people will believe what they're told, forget even their own names let alone someone else's. It's all about the product, and what's new and fresh and exciting. Screw history.

    And that's just the reality of it and all parties involved (Gi, Ale, D&G...) are professionals well-aware of how it works, doesn't necessarily mean any less appreciation or strained relationships in the slightest.

    In 10 years probably less it'll be another "icon" for D&G or VS or Colcci, and Alessandra will have moved on, just as Gi have, and again I'll say, good on them. ;) As long as they're happy. :heart:

  9. I hope she moves on to other things, as well. I would LOVE to see her doing Versace or Dolce, again. Maybe Balenciaga, this year?

    I liked this last Colcci show, though (liked her in it, anyways...not the clothes LOL). She was stunning, effortlessly sexy. Alessandra was great (don't get me wrong, love her too :heart: ), but Gisele is Gisele.

    The thing is, there's no money in runway, and she's an expensive model, so I can't see her going back to doing all shows, all fashion weeks again, even if they want to cover her fee (don't doubt they would, :p ). Basically, Gisele did Colcci and they did pay her well, but there was a lot of "heart" in it too, because it's Brazil, and I love that about her. :heart:

  10. Absolutely! Best runway walk ever. Top, über, number one supermodel of the world. There's just no one like her. I don't think there ever will be.

    PS: I remember well all the buzz around that little polka-dot number, when she walked down that runway, even the most poker-faced fashion players sitting in the front row couldn't help but gasp for a moment and kinda pick their jaws off the floor. :p

    She's that awesome <3

  11. Thanks for the lovely interview :)

    So I had done a translation (or attempt of a translation, LOL) earlier... :p This is the full interview. Enjoy!


    Giovanni Frasson, fashion director of Vogue Which were the loneliest moments in these 15 years of carrer?

    The beginning of my career was difficult, I was only fourteen. I left the safety of my family’s home and moved to a city as big as Sao Paulo! The move to Japan was another complicated moment, I felt like a fish out of water: didn’t speak any English, let alone Japanese. When I moved to New York, with 16 years old, I was again having the sensation that I didn’t belong there. With time and maturity, that feeling disappeared. I see loneliness as a state of spirit: you can be surrounded by people, and still feel lonely. Nowadays, I can be alone and very much well. By the way, I love to take some time just for myself, it's something that’s essential to keep me balanced.

    J.R Duran, photographer What does the mirror say to you every morning?

    Depends on the day! Actually, I don’t pay much attention to the mirror in my free time. It’s really when I working that I usually look at myself. But I think that, not only does it not say who we are, it twists the image that we have of ourselves. When you go to a meditation center, for example, there are no mirrors. Then you learn to look within yourself.

    Jaques Dequecker, photographer Do you surf with the right or the left foot on the front? Why?

    With the left one. And I have no idea why. It’s something that happened naturally.

    Bob Wolfenson, photographer Would you like to be less of a celebrity?

    There are two sides to everything. The good thing about fame is that I have a voice to speak about what I believe in, to disseminate ideas and topics that I find important. And the not-so-good side is that a lot of stuff is made up about me, they put words in my mouth and twist what I say. It’s something that makes me really sad.

    Maria Prata, editor-in-chief of Fashion TV What do you miss doing that you no longer can because of fame?

    Living in Boston, my life is a lot calmer. But, when I go to Rio, for example, I would like to play volleyball on the beach, which obviously I can’t do. Another thing that I miss is to be able to leave my house In Los Angeles without having paparazzi following me around and harassing me. It would be wonderful if people cared more about their own lives.

    Adriana Bechara, fashion editor of Vogue Who do you look up to when seeking to become a better person?

    My mother is a heroine, since she managed to raise six daughters and still work. I also admire the Buddhist philosophy: I believe the path to happiness is in self-knowledge. I like a lot reading the inspiring books of the monk Thich Nhat Hahn, and those of Mexican shaman Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Mastery of Love, one of my favorites. Reading inspires me in the constant search to know myself better and go deep inside my feelings. I don’t believe there’s anywhere else I can find happiness than within myself. Nothing that comes from outside, from other people, or anything material is going to make me feel complete. I have to do that work inside of me.

    Ignacio de Loyola Brandão, writer A few years ago, in Brazilian Vogue's office, sipping a Château Margaux, we talked for four hours. Years have passed, and today I have only one question: What now, Gisele?

    Only God knows what my future holds. I have a lot of dreams to achieve and I think that, the day we stop dreaming, life loses its meaning. Dreams write my history as they become true. I still have a lot to write, lots to do, I’m only beginning.

    Jessica Lengyel, Colcci designer When you were a girl, before modeling even crossed your mind, what was your dream?

    I loved playing volleyball. So I wished to be hired by a volleyball team, I wanted to make it to Brazil’s team. When I started modeling, I didn’t think seriously about the future. The opportunity came all of a sudden, and I wanted to give 110% of myself.

    Duda Molinos, makeup artist What moment in your career did you realize you had become a fashion icon?

    To be quite honest, I get rather shy with this title. To this day I don’t understand all of this, I don’t consider myself an icon, it’s difficult to see myself in that way. But I think I began to be recognized by my work in 1999, when I won Vogue Fashion Award’s Best Model of the Year. But to this day I don’t feel really comfortable with titles.

    Silvana Holzmeister, special projects editor of Vogue Did you learn any special care from your mom that you put in practice with Benjamin?

    My mom gave me several useful tips. One of the most important was that I must always stay very calm, because all our energies go to the baby. It’s important not to despair when the child falls, gets hurt, cries, etc. Something else that I learned is that I have to rest, because I’ll only be able to give my best if I’m rested. So, while my baby was asleep, I’d get some sleep, too. It was really important that I had my mom with me during the first month. She gave me confidence and tranquility. I had trouble breastfeeding at first, it hurt a lot, my breast got sensitive, but my mom gave me strength and helped me to overcome that; she’d prep compress pads to help ease the pain and showed me that it’d pass with time. I trusted. After all, she did have six daughters, she knows stuff!

    Bruno Astuto, Vogue collaborator How do you see yourself in 15 years?

    Happy, always trying to improve myself as a human being. I imagine I’ll be working in project in which I believe and feeling fulfilled by that. I think it’s important to visualize what you wish and to see yourself further down the road.

    Jeff Ares, editor of the website RG Can you list concrete results of your efforts to the green cause?

    It’s hard to measure the true impact of everything we’ve done. Since 2006, we set a sales value of the Ipanema Gisele Bündchen sandals to the socio-environmental cause. We’ve helped several institutions. Besides that, I have a project with my family in my hometown, Horizontina, in Rio Grande do Sul, which seeks to guarantee good-quality water to all the population. The results of these investments take long to show, and it’s important that people know that. To cut down a tree, for example, takes minutes, but to re-plant it and wait for it to reach adulthood it’s something that takes 20, 30 years. That’s why our actions must be immediate. I believe my main goal is to bring awareness to people, spread the message of the importance of preservation, conscious utilization of the natural resources, not to waste and not to pollute. I want to spread that message around the world.

    Edward Razek, marketing director of Victoria’s Secret You seem to be in the happiest phase of your life. Is this true? How did you meet your husband? Was it a blind date? How did you choose Benjamin’s name? And who was your favorite client in all these years of career?

    I am living the most challenging, but also the most rewarding phase of my life and that makes me very happy. And yes, it’s true that I met my husband in a blind date. Tom (American football player Tom Brady) was introduced to me by a very special friend, who knew us both and thought we had a lot in common. He was right. We chose the name Benjamin because we both liked it and it sounded just as good in English as it did in Portuguese. As for clients, I had the opportunity to work with dear, special people. You are certainly one of them, Ed.

    Mônica Salgado, writer-in-chief of Vogue Describe a typical day in your life. What’s the best part of the day? And what’s the bad, yet inevitable part?

    My routine changed a lot since Benjamin’s birth. Nowadays I wake up between 5-6 AM, breastfeed my son, play with him and, when I’m not working, spend the whole day with him by my side. The most delicious time is when I see his face in the morning: he looks like a little angel, so calm! And the bad part of the day is… when it ends. The days fly by, so I can never do everything I would like. I would love if the days had, at least, 48 hours.

    Barbara Gancia, columnist of Folha de Sao Paulo and Band News FM Don’t you get sick of seeing your face everywhere? Do you think about retiring?

    As it turns out I end up not seeing my face around that much. I think of working in things I believe in until the day I’m no longer here, because that makes me want to wake up in the morning. So, I think I will never retire, I’ll be always working on something. As a model, I haven’t defined a work time, but slowly I’m electing other priorities.

    Ralph, former marketing director of C&A and current Riachuelo’s What profession would you have chosen if you were a male and as ugly as I am?

    It had to be you, right, Ralph? I would do exactly what you are doing. I would try to find another talent to focus my energies in and would work the same way I do now, with a lot of determination and professionalism.

    Gui Paganini, photographer Gisele, when are we going to shoot again?

    I don’t know, Gui, but hopefully soon.

    Lilian Pacce, hostess of GNT Fashion What’s never been asked and that you would like to say?

    I would like to say that I’m proud to be Brazilian and it’d be wonderful if Brazil could show the world how to grow in a conscious and responsible way.

    Carolina Andraus-Miranda, entrepreneur Which family and life values were determinant to the choices you have made?

    To treat everyone around me with equality and respect, to be an honest, ethical, hard-working person, to never walk over people’s heads to grow in life, to always be kind, not give up easily, to believe I deserve to be happy, help those in need, to be patient with myself, love myself and love others. And, if anyone wishes me harm, to send a lot of love that someone’s way.

  12. Saw him at the mall the other day, looking yummy-licious, as always.

    Now, Yasmin, on the other hand... :yuckky: ... honey, what's up with the hair, you look like a giraffe. And I can't believe I'm going to say this for it goes against like everything that I believe in... but, Yasmin, sweetie, have a sandwich, or maybe two.

  13. Yes, he's good!

    And looks... doesn't matter, it's importmant that he's good person :D

    Thanks Francy :wave:

    Aw, come on, people. Puh-lease. I don't believe in all this inner beauty crap, don't tell me you do too. Inner beauty. That's interior designer's talk. Nonsense, false propaganda sprout out by fat, ugly and disgusting people. So come on, guys. Cut the crap.

    Not that I care a lot, really. I mean, They make a disgusting couple and that's it, but I couldn't care less about what she does with her personal life, she's a freakin' super-awesome supermodel. Sucks at relationships, fact. But awesome model nonetheless.

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