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Posts posted by I_LOVE_ANA

  1. Sorry for te RE post guys! Lol.

    And it's cool. I mean what do you guys expect with someone with such a small waist. It's almost as stupid as how everyone noticed last year thy KK doesn't have much of a belly button. Everyone made such a big deal out if it only last year. After seeing her in underwear in the past years.

    It's just my opinion. Marissa looks great. And I love her body. She don't need no cookie. Aless. She needs a damn cookie. LOL

  2. Omg i wasent epecting the show to be this good.

    Im so happy that Ana was in the show again, i missed her, and as a brunet she look amazing!! :woot:

    But im a little sad that they didnt give her any wings:(

    And im not Adrianas biggest fan but i think she looked really good. hopefully she didnt act like a retard in the show, cuz then that would not be good.

    And thank you for all the pics, Im really happy with what ive seen, i cant wait to see it in motion :hell yea!:

  3. Well i dont think that Miranda or Adriana should get it.

    Adriana because a pit of vomit would do a much better job of walking and keeping its mouth closed and not making a fool of itself than she would.

    And Miranda cuz she just so anoying, she looks like shes 5, i dont even know why shes and angel, what were they thinking.

    Oh and btw, its true MM couldent walk to say her life......

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