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Posts posted by EmPeter2015

  1. Looks like one of his friends released a statement to clarify saying they broke up a month ago but remain friendly. I am guessing Andrew or his team/friends didn’t like the open ended photo and comment she posted since so many outlets were there taking it to mean they were together. I am still wondering why she would even comment on it. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Naturally said:

    I really think that she has a problem with relationships. 

    Something I’ve noticed over the years of following her is that she seems to uproot her situation for men. Left NYC for Texas for Mark Wystrach. Left Texas for LA for Cameron Avery. Left LA for Ojai for Korey. Left Ojai for Malibu/LA again for Andrew. I realize it might not be fair to say FOR the men as maybe she wanted to be the one to move around, but she did say a while ago that she was in Al Anon to work on codependency. I know I have previously talked about where are the animals in a semi joking way but it’s a big thing to leave your animals that were you life (the pig! Her dog Charlie that she’s had for over a decade!) begins with someone else so you can be with a guy. I hope she finds peace. 

  3. 5 hours ago, AGFAN said:

    The eye make up, up close is stunning 

    Much better up close than how it photographed from further away! It was realllly heavy handed looking on someone with such strong features. But it looked so soft and powdery and beautiful up close??

  4. On 2/14/2022 at 7:17 AM, Schemer said:

    There are boundaries.

    I hear you, but also, these photos weee taken by Backgrid. Backgrid notoriously has relationships with celebrities and their management and they are called to take the photos. There is usually a reason they want them circulated and in this case it was probably leading up to the Oscar nominee announcements. Just drums up interest and publicity from normally paparazzi shy celebs. 

  5. On 1/16/2022 at 5:23 PM, sist3rmidnight said:

    Could be an old friend, cause she was in Washington with one of her oldest friends, Amy Bracco, and her husband! 

    Delayed response on here, but that guy is 100% Cuffe Biden who was married for a minute to that Real Housewife 😂 Her good friend Amy Bracco is married to Jamie Biden 

  6. This is random, but where do you think her pets are? I keep seeing her one dog Georgie with her in LA/Malibu but she’s got all those dogs and cats and the pig a few hours away at her house. Obviously someone is watching them but kind of weird. 

  7. 7 hours ago, AGFAN said:


    This is random, but where do you think her pets are? I keep seeing her one dog Georgie with her in LA/Malibu but she’s got all those dogs and cats and the pig a few hours away at her house. Obviously someone is watching them but kind of weird. 

  8. She seems like a bit of a chameleon when it comes to the places she lives and the men she dates/marries so California will probably be where she really breaks through with her vintage and bags. Texas was her cowgirl phase where she was more about photography and modeling for friends and their brands and New York was obviously where she made her money and had the bigger print contracts. She’s a beauty and seems to have a good heart and will probably come out on top. I think Cam was head over heels for her as well but I also think he’s the type who falls hard and fast and maybe doesn’t use his head. He was like that with Camille Rowe (who I feel like he never got over)

  9. I think you might be right. Unfortunately it seems like the combination of moving really quickly (Started dating and were married within 7 months) and then him being away on tour did not work for them. I noticed right after their honeymoon was when the loving posts stopped and in August they unfollowed each other then seemed to get back together by end of September. Take your time getting to know someone, guys! 

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