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Tiger Lady

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Posts posted by Tiger Lady

  1. Kristen Zag was special for Leo. But she left him because of his racing fame after Titanic. Seems she realized it was not doing good for him and their relationship. I think that break up broke Leo’s heart and ego. Got like traumatized because she left him. So then he just couldn’t or didn’t want to have a stable relationship again. Seems he always ends spoiling it somehow by choosing bad his couples. Really hope he may turn down this unsuccessful sentimental situation he unconsciously keeps repeating. Or turns round this constant “bad luck” or “destiny” in his love life. Maybe he must look for professional help to leave this habit of serial modelizar. He doesn’t look happy with it. Poor guy... 🙁🤔😢😞💔🙏🙏🙏

  2. I really don’t like at all those two Camila and mom Lucila. Too interested woman. I’m ashamed to say are my compatriots 🇦🇷😝 Leo deserves a better woman to be with. I don’t even think they’re good friends. What do they have in common?? 🤷‍♀️ Honestly I think those two are terribly bad for his image. Seems he hangs out with Camila just for ego or demonstrate shallow superiority to others. So stupid! Why he subestimates himself like that? 😳 Is he trying to “help” this young girl on something? On what really? Being famous? Finding work contracts? Develop her career? Teaches her acting? Much better for Leo stop wasting time and money on a high society spoiled girl without talent and helping a poor one that really needs and deserve it. Are they dating?? Or just having fun together? Oh, please. There must be other much interesting, beautiful, smarter and funniest young women in the area to chose and be with. That’s the problem when Leo let’s himself being chosen. 😄🤦🏼‍♀️ Or are they having a “work” contract? 🤔 Yes... so weird this relationship. Or suspicious...

  3. 14 hours ago, BarbieErin said:


    My opinion is that he brings more attention to him when he's trying to hide like that, I mean there is no problem wearing a cap... but he acts soo weird in public sometimes that he brings more attention than if he acted more normal. Off course people will look at the person that is wearing a hood over a cap and walking in a weird way with his head down like he's not even seeing what is ahead of him, I think is too much, there is not need for that. Like you just said jade, he's not an animal in a zoo, he's a human being acting in a very weird way in the middle of other human beings that for the most part won't care if he was there or not... not everyone are his fans or like to stalk celebs, so I think he's the one bringing attention to himself, if he acted more normal in public people wouldn't criticize him, but maybe he have some inner issues that he needs solve, who knows? Still, it's his life and he can do whatever he wants, I'am just saying my opinion. 

    I agree with you BarbieErin. He’s really nothing to hide. Maybe he must solve some inner issues like some sort of insecurities in public and just be himself as a normal man. Maybe he’ll be less noticed. Maybe has some traumas cause of bad experience with fans or haters. I remember a model girl broke a glass bottle in his face and he got badly injured for example. 🤷‍♀️ Will be better for Leo to overcome that. Must be tough, but not impossible. 👍🏼❤️

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