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Everything posted by Lye2003

  1. Bar Refaeli interview page scan and some tidbits: http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=scannen0006np4.jpg http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=scannen0003tf1.jpg Scan By Tobey Thanks so much my dear Tobey PS: Arena Magazine.
  2. What's the article says? Thanks zopehosting Talking about the new contact with Accessorize like hiedi klum and claudia schiffer and about accessorize. Lye2003 you better learn to read Hebrew because probbly there going to be a lot of artices in the next year about Bar Refaeli in Israel :laugh: Thanks Zopehosting HEBREW is pretty hard to learn Veeeeery hard. I think you can only learn this language if you're a child, otherwise it will be almost impossible to learn it, besides, you have to learn all the characters they use,But I coud be totally wrong.
  3. http://www.nrg.co.il/online/4/ART1/682/940.html Zopehosting,What's the article says?
  4. What's the article says? Thanks zopehosting
  5. Video in Hebrew: http://www.keshet-tv.com/VideoPage.aspx?Me...0&CatID=909
  6. Mission Farbe for otto: source:barrefaeli2008.goop.co.il
  7. More Otto pics: source:barrefaeli2008.goop.co.il
  8. More: Source: Layla.co.il Thanks to SparkleyAdi
  9. Bar is in Israel, @ a party with her brother and friends: Source: Layla.co.il Thanks to SparkleyAdi
  10. Thanks zopehosting and Kisssskooool
  11. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=558...h&plindex=0 thanks ginette
  12. According to tapenerd on TFS and virgomoon Bar has a small ed(5 full pages) in the new Glamour USA with the boys of N.E.R.D. Most of the pix are Bar with Pharrell Williams of N.E.R.D. I think it was called "Wanna Show Some Style?" There's a pic of Bar in a very short bright pink dress. She looks amazing. Her smile is lovely in a few of the pix. The intro mentions Bar is the "model of the moment". If someone has scans, please post for us, I'm curious to see the pics inside. PS: Month is february, with Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey on the cover.
  13. http://www.hellomagazine.ca/fashion/2008/0...faeli-snow-fun/
  14. ARENA magazine proclaims Bar Refaeili as The Body of 2008 in the February issue of the popular British men’s mag. No complaints here! Showing off her fine form in a number of revealing shots taken by Yu Tsai, the 22-year-old Victoria’s Secret model proves why she’s bringing the fashion world — not to mention a certain Hollywood A-lister — to its knees.
  15. Raise the Bar She is the hottest thing to hit modelling since Cindy, Claudia and Elle stalked the catwalks. Meet Bar Refaeli, the supermodel bringing the world - not to mention the odd Hollywood A-lister - to its knees. Bar Refaeli "does" ARENA: http://www.fadedyouthblog.com/19405/bar-refaeli-does-arena/
  16. Bar Refaeli for Subaru Sat, 05 January 2008 at 5:16 pm Bar Refaeli, Leo DiCaprio’s on-again girlfriend, promotes the new Subaru at Baqueira Beret Station in Baqueira, Spain on Friday. Leo, 33, and Bar, 22, rang in the new year together at the VIP balcony of club Bank at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Earlier, the couple was spotted holding hands at the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills. 15+ pictures inside of Bar Refaeli shilling for Subaru… http://justjared.buzznet.com/2008/01/05/ba...aru/#more-23069
  17. I love this pic: She looks so stunninng source:barrefaeli2008.goop.co.il
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