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Posts posted by Doug1333

  1. I don't so why so many people here are being negative because Doutzen is inviting people to ask questions and have an open mind. What's so wrong with that? IMO people who blindly believe doctors and medical scientists just because they are doctors and scientists need to look at themselves, and take a leaf from Doutzen's book. Medical scientists and doctors killed my brother and a load of other people with an insulin substitute that hadn't been properly tested in a laboratory before using it on humans, without obtaining informed consent from them. That is a fact and something my family has had to live with for the last three decades. So I don't trust anything a doctor or scientist tells me just because they went to some medical school somewhere. You have to ask questions. You have to establish the facts for yourself. You have to inform yourselves people. So get off Doutzen's case. Get off the case of anyone who says something you disagree with. Find out the truth for yourselves and live your lives as you want without judging anyone else. Peace and love to you all. 

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