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Posts posted by Panthro89

  1. Forget Emily, I want to know what's wrong with Sebastian. Why would you marry a chick that fast. Lets be honest, she's smoking hot, but cmon, she can't be that entertaining. 


    I'd marry a superhero after a few weeks of dating. Or an alien. But that's just me

  2. 16 hours ago, pizzarat said:

    I’ve paid way too close attention to Emily and her friends stories are the best lens to view her through because she seems phony on her own socials like she’s always posing and very aware of herself. I’ve been critical of her for a long time around here and often annoy others bc of it but I don’t think she’s a nice person, she seems self serving and insecure but I feel like she has a little something charismatic going for her and I want her to succeed. Why can’t people have opinions? We’re not sycophants and it’s not that serious.


    I normally don't pay attention to her personality and all that, but when she referenced that IG post after Jeff stopped following her, that's probably when I realized she's definitely on the bitchy side. Low and behold, a few weeks later she's married and showing off on IG. The guy is supposed to follow her for the rest of his life while she shows off the marriage/husband?? Silly stuff. 


    Just break up, unfollow and move on. Problem solved. 

  3. 4 hours ago, LameImpala said:

    I applaud that dude, even if this is short lived he gets to bang Emily and he might get a tidy pay-out if a divorce happens now they're civically married.


    Jeff had her best years. She's too skinny now. She really needs to start eating. 


    3 hours ago, pizzarat said:

    @Panthro89 she was totally cheating on Jeff just like she cheated on Andrew. If she’s legitimately married I might be over her. It’s weird her best friend Barbara isn’t there. Emily took an L on this 


    Yeah, she definitely dropped a few notches for me. The way I see it, this guy has money and is a producer, so that's where the attraction begins. That would suck if she's that type. 


    And no way this lasts. Courthouse marriage? No chance

  5. 10 hours ago, SympathysSilhouette said:

    Who is that guy? Should I know him from somewhere/something? :idk:



    Definitely not. He's a no-name low level producer of some recent Robert Pattinson movie. 


    She's coming off petty, in my opinion. I'll never understand the people that feel like you're supposed to stay connected after you breakup. Last thing I want to do is follow an ex on IG. She has too high an opinion of herself, I guess.

  6. 9 hours ago, pizzarat said:

    She started following the new guy Sebastian over summer. He has her hanging out with thefatjewish and manhandles her in public while wearing a promotional shirt of the movie he produced so yeah, I agree. She does move fast. Jeff might of lost her how her got her though since he was her previous boyfriend Andrew’s friend. She was with Jeff for 4 years they were in Morocco in October. Once they got home she never took photos or videos in his loft again. In December she was at a basketball game with Sebastian and he was all over her even though she was still promoting Jeff’s music on instagram. Jeff recently unfollowed her on Instagram, I guess they’re over. New guy wears a wedding ring so that’s weird


    She took over the DKNY instagram account and posted some cute videos


    Apparently she liked some IG post about how people unfollow you but still secretly follow you, or some shit. This was after Jeff unfollowed her. What is he supposed to do? She's dating some low level producer dweeb. Life goes on. 

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