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Posts posted by JHP

  1. Anyone notice that she pretty much has one look or stare? Not hating just some observations. You notice it when you look at entire shoots, she makes the same face, no emotion. Heidi, Cindy and lots of very successful models have and show emotion in their shoots. Again, not trying to be mean. She is killing it in life and career, only an observation.

  2. Man, Robert Voltaire is a frustrating photographer. On one side, his images always look edited perfectly but then the models look man handled into weird positions and give the feeling of unnaturalism. I've watched him man-handle his models in video, in such an aggressive way that I think the #metoo movement would go after him. 


    Surprised Rachel worked with him again, seeing she said he made her feel uncomfortable on their last shoot. Not a big fan of these Playboy photos. Robert did the same poses and ideas he did with Rachel before. Am surprised by the full frontal though. Anyways, congrats to her and another step outside of being an Instagram exclusive model.

  3. I totally agree on him being a bit of a pervert. I was briefly in the modeling world and heard so many stories about photographers crossing the line.  David's approach is quite disturbing as he manually poses them, touching them anywhere he wants. Those models, especially at the unveiling event were looking at him like, stay away from me. I think he get some amazing shots but I had no idea it was at this price. Rachel has always seemed like a person who has been doing what she thinks she needs to do to get ahead. Fake teeth, boobs and her surfer chill, tomboy attitude. Seems like not she is regretting a lot of choices now that she has Instagram fame. It surprised the fuck out of me that she said she wasn't making very much money. I know this happens to lots of models but not in the age of Instagram. I hope she banks on this recent success. It's like winning the lottery. I don't expect her to continue modeling after a a few years. She wants to be more than that. I hope she is successful.

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