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Posts posted by slea

  1. i thought u meant that pizza interview...but if u r looking for vh1 video u have it on sleas site...


    I tried to open it, but there is always this message:


    You don't have permission to access /~slea/movies/ on this server.


    oops, i moved stuff and it broke the website. should be fixed now. sorry!

  2. Actually for those with macintosh g4's or low g5's, the 700mb video has a couple of issues:

    the video card/processor will likely be unable to handle the file, causing the image to skip.

    And for some unknown reason, the ac3 files (even with proper codec) usually force the computer to freeze. Some unknown error with quicktime is the issue.

    If you are any of those (like me), then you should probabl stick with the 350mb files.

    Hope I helped, and sorry if I mislead; this is info I have gleamed from my usage, and from what I've read on forums in prior attempts to rectify the glitches.

    sometimes the skipping is actually caused by the hard drive. a computer with a slower hdd (or maybe just with a fragmented file system), won't be able to seek fast enough to display all the data in the video stream. but yes, processing an xvid video is a pretty expensive operation for the cpu, too.

    for the 2.2gb version of this video, for example, you'd need a drive that can read at least 850kb/s at a constant rate - there's probably disk bendmarking utils out there that'll let you know the read speed.

    regarding the ac3 problems: i haven't tried it on osx, but mplayer for linux plays just about every video and audio format under the sun without any problems. there's an osx port called mplayerosx, if you want to give it a go (http://mplayerosx.sourceforge.net/)

  3. i assume both are exactly the same footage. the 700mb one is a slightly higher audio and video quality than the 350mb one. both can be viewed with windows media player, but you will need to have the xvid codec installed (http://www.xvidmovies.com/codec/) to view the video, and ac3filter (http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge...ilter_0_70b.exe) to hear the audio (only need ac3filter for the 700mb file)

    the second link u gave, the file cannot be found. so at the present, i can only view the show but not hear anything.

    try one of the mirrors here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ac3filt...ilter_0_70b.exe

  4. Slea you know the one you posted on your website, Can that be viewed on windows media player? and is it the whole show, cause Im all confused of which one to download uncut or cut short or long. My net is soo slow :cry:

    i assume both are exactly the same footage. the 700mb one is a slightly higher audio and video quality than the 350mb one. both can be viewed with windows media player, but you will need to have the xvid codec installed (http://www.xvidmovies.com/codec/) to view the video, and ac3filter (http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge...ilter_0_70b.exe) to hear the audio (only need ac3filter for the 700mb file)

  5. Slea,

    Is there a way to download from this site? http://xero.org.au/~slea/movies/adriana_lima/tv_shows/

    I want to download this video "et online - angels shoot.asx," but it is a link (thus the .asx extension). If anyone knows how to download them, please let me know.


    just click on them and then a window will open for you to download... if you`d like that i can convert the vid into .mpg and then upload it and post it here.

    here`s the link ALimaFan .Enjoy :


    Thanks Outofdark.

    What happens is that when I left-click it, the video starts to play in the Windows Media Player, but I don't get any download options -- at least not for the ones with .asx extensions. But thanks again.

    hi, sorry about that. the correct extension is .asf, i'm not sure why it ended up as .asx. if you rename it, it should play just find in windows media player or mplayer classic. i'll rename it on the site soon.

  6. ok it's down:

    again, available here.

    (this time the 700mb one is in the bottom left, and the 350mb is the bottom right - i really need to make the filenames more readable)

    for the audio you'll need the ac3 codec (it's 5.1 surround - whoosh!), and video is xvid again i believe.

    my connection is 10mbit (1280kb/s), but i've never gotten over 900kb/s for a torrent. the server that is hosting those videos is 100mbit.

    also: i'm off to bed (as should you two! it's like well past midnight on a weeknight for us)

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