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Posts posted by Nihilistic

  1. She looks absolutely awful in those birthday pictures. My God, she used to be the most gorgeous woman on Earth. Now she's a skeleton with two palid pork chops for a bum. Between the awful lips and the emaciated face she does not look well at all. I think I'm done with Elsa, so sad 

  2. She needs to learn to do something different with her face at these photo ops. How hard is she straining not to ever smile? It looks so disingenuous and tryhard, and doesn't have the intended effect I think she is going for. 


    It takes more face muscles to scowl than it does to smile! 

  3. 6 hours ago, *Luna* said:

    I like some of her Solid and Striped pictures, but how does she always look so different in each picture? In one she looks super curvy, the next she looks much thinner and lean... And I've seen this happen in other photoshoots with her too. Weird.


    Seriously, where does she get that booty from in the swimsuit pics? If I didn't know better I'd swear it was a picture from 2014 or 15. She always looks so thin now, yet here she is with amazing thighs and booty. 



  4. You guys like Tom's hair? They look too similar in photos, like he's vying for your attention as much as Elsa. All the focus should be on her and he should cut his hair short and embrace his role as mere arm candy for the queen. 

  5. Her bum definitely looks better from the back than it does from the side where it just hangs prone like a pair of puny porkchops :D


    Great hips, the best of the bunch. She curves in all the right places, except the booty...:dead_horse:

  6. She's so gorgeous. Definitely born at the wrong time though. She would have been on top of the world in the 90s when supermodels were all the rage. She'd fit right in with Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss etc. But now the market is so oversaturated, when any Instagrammer can become a model. She'll always be something special though amid a sea of sameness. 

  7. Me-oww to that last picture. I love when she arches her back, makes her bum look so much fuller than when she's just standing straight and it looks like pork chops.  Another reason she needs to put on maybe 5 more pounds. For me, and her bum. 

  8. I love her but she is just way too skinny in some of these pictures lately. She looks her best with some meat on her bones like when she was younger, it fills out her bum and gives her body more of an athletic tone. But what do I know, maybe this look is what's been demanded of her. 

  9. They're so ridiculously boring and antiseptic now. VS used to be beautiful, dynamic shots in bedroom sets or on the beach. Now every shoot looks the same, you get two shots, the girls are either facing the blank wall or have their back to it. They've sucked all the allure and glamour out of the VS catalog. 

  10. When Elsa takes her first movie role I'm gonna do an "I told you so" lap. But she's still got a couple years of becoming a household name first, primarily through her VS exposure. I think she has what many of the other failed model-actresses lacked: personality and personability. 



  11. I want her to become an actress so I can see that face 70 feet tall on the silver screen. A successful VS model turned actress though, like Geena Davis or Famke, not like Rosie who was kidding herself when she had more than three lines (anything but Mad Max really) 

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