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Posts posted by mojomott

  1. Has anyone noticed that her Instagram account is no longer up? Even on photos that she has been tagged on, it says no user exists.


    not sure if she deleted it or is temporarily banned?


    haven’t seen any activity on this page in a minute so was curious what was up? Maybe people just lost interest in her. 

  2. Just now, ILUVAdrianaLima said:

    ^ What do u want me to say? :p You are correct my supreme being, I should be ashamed for what I've done and said...will you ever forgive me? :cry:

    Awwww no worries, it's cool. It's late for me on the East coast and I was getting my panties in a bunch for no reason. Ignore me big fella, just a long time lurker deciding to speak up when he shouldn't have. Enjoy the rest of your night! 

  3. 23 minutes ago, ILUVAdrianaLima said:

    My message was geared towards Clauds in the first place buddy :cain: 


    I have nothing to "own" or "prove" here. I've committed to my words, if you don't like them move on. I don't have to pander to anyone. :Amelie_wft:

    Yup moving on is your specialty. Say whatever you want... you've earned it with your 33K plus posts. When you are on a message board, your "message", not "PM" right? (wink, wink) is seen by everyone that comes to this specific model regardless of whom you are addressing. You got called out by me, some random sporadic poster who just happened to glance at Xenia's page because she's beautiful, and saw some BS judgmental nonsense happening because she married someone who is 62, and now you are getting defensive. Sorry didn't mean to rock the Xenia Deli message board boat or offend any of your loyal followers. Just meant to call bullshit on some judgmental opinionated nonsense when I see it. Carry on... my wayward son... there'll be peace when you are done... lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more! Kansas - 1976 (AKA the year I was sworn to secrecy about who stole Roger Rabbit).  

  4. Just now, ILUVAdrianaLima said:

    It's "MY" statement first off. And we shall see in due time what that details are but till then, I will stay with what I've said. And to keep this topic from spiraling off even more, PM if you have any further issues on the subject matter.

    Classic response, thanks for your taking ownership of "YOUR" statement... greatly appreciated! I have no interest in PM'ing you. It's clear you just like to say whatever you want without real information or any type of discourse from other posters. You just blather a judgmental opinion and then deflect and hide behind the PM wall when you deem appropriate. Sorry to challenge your judgmental word oh great one. Sigh....

  5. 7 minutes ago, ILUVAdrianaLima said:

    Nope, I can think for myself and that's just my statement on marriage/TRUE love.

    What you said is not a statement on true love and marriage... it's judging someone else based on a picture and random unconfirmed/confirmed information. You don't really know anything about him. I mean c'mon... I get that you don't agree with her choice, but it's her choice right? You just sound like a pessimistic, jilted lover that can't be happy for anyone that chooses something you wouldn't. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, ILUVAdrianaLima said:

    ^ You know I adore u hun but you can't look at the above and honestly say "they make a great couple" without something running in the back of your mind mumbling "this is just for money and not love" and that there alone is fucked up in so many ways. Let's be honest, if it wasn't for his vast wealth and Xenia being a bit hungry for that money, she wouldn't' so much as blink for the guy. People can do what they want as they want but she is black marked here. Some things just shouldn't be acceptable, and this is one carries some gag reflex from the general public which I know doesn't matter in what Xenia does in the end but she sure looks like one hell of a gold digger and I'm sure she wouldn't mind a nice end payment once the "new marriage" smell wears off. But hey, for all I know their relationship might last a lifetime since that too is very plausible. Although I'm willing to bet otherwise.

    Wow, judge much!?

  7. Can anyone help me identify this H&M model? At first i thought it was Blanca Padilla, but her hair looks too light in these pics and I didn't see any related shots from her IG account. Thanks for any help!


    Also, sorry if these images are not posted in the correct fashion. I am not sure how to do it, so I just copied and pasted the image links.







  8. I'll tell you it's Cate Underwoord, if you promise to post images, not links, next time. Deal?


    Yes absolutely and thank you. I apologize as I don't post very often and am not really sure, obviously, how to post images. I thouhgt i was supposed to just put links up, but next time will post images. Thanks again for the model ID and tip!

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