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Everything posted by HandCannonErase

  1. @Marsnoop not much bigger, but its the full image
  2. Haven't seen these ones yet, so I shall contribute 🤭 More from Greg Swales IG
  3. I want to say it was this outfit/hat combo. Could've even been from this night, but I don't remember 😓 EDIT: pretty sure she was laying prone and tipping the hat off showing the inside with her name in it.
  4. I'm wondering if I might call on the aid of my fellow Alessandra fans to help me track down a particular photo. The photo is of Alessandra (duh) and she from what I can remember is laying down hold one of her Ale by Alessandra hats and it shows the inside of the hat with her name in it. Sorry for the vague description, but that's all I can really remember about it. I think I saw it once on Instagram somewhere, but I've never seen it again and I really liked that photo.
  5. I come baring more gifts of our goddess
  6. I don't know who this badboi is who took all these photos, but I'd like to shake his hand 🤝
  7. Gal Floripa posts never disappoint
  8. Brought to you by the GAL Floripa IG
  9. One more for the night 😍 Via Alessandra's IG
  10. @Gsus211 You beat me to it lol! Excellent shots though 🥰👌 *swoon*
  11. new posts on Alessandra's IG from Badboi
  12. Well, I think I found my new phone lock screen/wallpaper 😍
  13. Here's another Gal Floripa IG pic 👍
  14. Anyone know where this is from? Or if there's more to this shoot?
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