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Posts posted by brookly4u

  1. 13 hours ago, pizzarat said:

    Emily was dragged to hell on "Oh No They Didn't" today. A lot of good points were made. She seems to be triggered by nudity, her entire stance on feminism always reverts back to nudity as if she's forever trying to make up for starring in that rapey video nobody cares about anymore. I'm rooting for her but she's not intersectional at all, I don't care how many times she tweets black lives matter. Very telling she never spoke up for Michelle Obama who was called extremely racist names, a man and a slut for showing her arms. Annnnnd Melania Trump just tweeted Emily…this is not a good look. I bet artists and designers of color who are strongly opposed to this administration won't be inviting her to future events. 


    Frame NYFW dinner tonight but I can't find any pictures yet


    Do you like emily at all! Its my first time posting , and i find it funny that all you do is criticize her. Your statements so far are packed with criticism of her and backhanded compliments. You mention how boring and try hard her personality is on sm. How shes not geniune about the social causes close to her because she comes as noninclusive. Her recent magazine cover is awful which i disagree . Then she blocks you on instagram because she probably saw all the vitriol you throw at her on here. Afterwards you assume that she has juvaderm. It seems like she cant do anything right in your eyes and yet you call her self righteous. Your insecurities are showing very brightly . Your  not even  giving constructive criticism everything you have said so far just comes off as condescending and pretentious. Good day

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