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Everything posted by Megaton

  1. Photographer: Evgeny Ionov Photographer: Elena Light Svet Photographer: Dmitry Fox Warning: Dups, only better resolution. Photographer: Fyodor Bitkov Photographer: Pavel Smetanin Photographer: Vera Nesterova
  2. Ok, so... say hello to Nastya, and me, because i have found some time to upload some photos Photographer: Nikolay Belovsky(Zephyr) Warning: Dups with better resolution and 2 new. Photographer: Mikhalych Mikhail Warning: There were uploaded 21 photos and i have 31, not sure which are not dups, but mostly with color. Photographer: Maxim Evmenenko Photographer: Kirill Arsenyev
  3. Photographer: Marat Safin Photographer: Gennady Lange
  4. I'm pretty sure that i could find much more photos in my "collection" which never have been posted here, but like u said, neurovibe, it takes time to find out if they're not dups. Maybe some day. New one by Marat Safin
  5. And finally - video! https://vk.com/video166322208_456239176 PS: Thank you neurovibe for your work, but for now i'm only checking out if something new appear(few seconds a day), so... anyway, i've used second one(best in my opinion).
  6. https://cache-ams06.cdn.yandex.net/kp.cdn.yandex.net/1041207/kinopoisk.ru-Detki-336232.mp4 Well.... GIVE ME MOOORE PS: I have 1920x1080 res. Nice work, that's what i'm talking about - normal photo - color and bright is ugly on wallpaper, but toned and b&w just looks good. You can try more if u want My expectations... just without nudity, it can be face like this but also everything.
  7. No idea why your screen cap is lighter Nah it's good quality/resolution i mean just diffrent photo. It's not like this one is not good, but... you know, just maybe could be better It can be b&w or "hybrid" - with some colors and some b&w, or color, but not too bright.
  8. By the way, 500k views? Half by me! Ok just joking Screen caps are from backstage videos by Oleg Kosyrev and Zephyr. You can find them on her vk fanpage, videos called "nastya" (1:24 length), and... next one 3:00 length. PS: neurovibe, maybe you could help me with these wallpapers. Still not decided about that... now i have this photo and it's nice, but... maybe you'll find something better. If u want to help me of course, you can send some propositions on PW.
  9. Sooo i've decided to do something, i mean try... for science And to be honest i was expecting better result, but you can decide if it's enough. I'm talking about screen caps from videos. It's very hard to find good pics from video, you can guess why... of course bad resolutions in videos(only stasyq has 1080p), and blur, no focus, instability camera or every move... Sometimes it's one frame in good quality for a few seconds of video(which means one frame from even haundreds of frames - 1 sec = 24 frames). Anyway, there's sample from few videos. And yes i'm bored My favorite are from Maxim Baev video. PS: If u like it i can do more(of course in time). Warning - screen caps and some nudity.
  10. When i was trying to find something about "Lavanov" (Stepa Lavanov) i've only found video - backstage from Natan music video. Aaand i just found another one... Lucky!
  11. Photographer: Pavel Kiselev I have much more photos with same background, same clothes etc., but i'm not sure if he made them... In fact, i'm not sure in 100% about these, but almost ;p Photographer: Alexey Tregubov Source: Instagram, 500px, vk(various resolutions, one has 2600x4000)
  12. WARNING: Prepare for a lot of sugar Low quality, maybe he has somewhere better. Not sure about quality and source. Photographer: Marat Safin (source reddit, don't know where he upload this photo, but it has high resolution, not like others) Edit: Found more but same thing, better resolutions, all of them are not dups(i mean i didn't found photos already posted here in better quality, just new(they're nice!) Photographer: Olga Emelyanova This photo looks familiar but can't find nothing more. Few new photos by Photographer: Yura Ionov Lets call it "forrest run", no idea who was the photographer but these photos appear somewhere on vk, can't search if they're dups because there's no words for search option. Love first photo And i would love to see more like this set(or from this set). PS: Neurovibe, can you reupload photos from this page which has been deleted? PS2: I have hope that you all are going to search more from my post. I mean there's a chance that we can find more/better quality.
  13. Not really sure but i have this photo in Igor Shitikov folder. I don't remember and i see that names of these photos are like "1, 2, 3" so i probably downloaded them together in pack. Also i can't find now anything about photographer named "Igor Shitikov", so you can search on you own. I'll upload now my folder, but keep in mid that it could be dups or many photographers(it's on section where's a little mess... or even not little). Edit: Unique photos - she's shaved here not sure again but probably all photos she "made" without... hair, are there.
  14. I love these photos, but i hate photographer... you know why. Well, a LOT of photos i mean but only 2 without censure but 1 of them (and only) it's not his probably. Photographer: Pavel Andronov Source: 500px, VK
  15. Photographer: Aleksey Sveshnikov Source: VK Better resolution and more photos(uploads by neurovibe from 43 page) Better resolutions: New Photos(not new really, just from another source where i found more photos) Photographer: Alexandra Kharlamova Same thing, few more photos. Photographer: Enrico Burani I don't even remember sources of these photos. I've took some from official 500px, but can't find more/better quality right now(i can't even find again these i have). 2 more(rest of his photos already on forum) Photographer: Denis Dragunov edit: One dup, my bad. But... few more by Igor Marushevskii And bonus short video behind the scene from Said Energizer(stasyq). But be carefuly, product may contain a lot of sugar(as always) Why he's not doing next video with nastya, but only plastic ugly womens... http://i.imgur.com/zXdaAyG.gifv
  16. I've just found this photo on Sergei Polikanov flickr. I'm not sure if it's his photo or what, but it has good quality. (4032x3024) Photographer: Sergei Polikanov Just decided that i'll share some photos. I'm trying to search first if they're not dups, but even that i'm not sure. Photographer: Vlad Lisits Source: 500px Second one is nice. Photographer: Stepan Gladkov Source; 500px Photographer: Vladena Tarasova Pretty old photos. Photographer: Dobrinin Evgeny Source; VK
  17. Are you shure that it's every photo form Shurix Neo page, or they were already posted before? Because i have a little bit more, but i'm not sure if it's best quality you can find or not. Just saying. Here it's. Also maybe i could find more (i mean not just shurix but all photographers), but i'm too lazy to check what have bean already posted here. Photographer: Shurix Neo.
  18. Well it's one of my most favorite photoshoot/Nastya photographer, so i'll share. Photographer: Gennady Lange
  19. Photographer: Timur Musaev Source: Probably Tumblr
  20. About wallpapers i'm fine, i'll find something with just "normal" photos or i can do a little edit by myself. Well i almost wasn't looking here for more photos/photographers because there is so many duplicates and... just too much everything. It takes time to look on every photo and it's resolution. From my expierience - some photos has been deleted(from 500px/vk etc.) or you can get them now in worse quality. I have just looked up on listal Nastya page and there's still so many photos which never been posted here or anywhere else. I mean every page you'll visit, you'll always find something new, so every "package" can save a lot of time. I hope you'll share eventually, the other day(maybe not here on forum but on PW) . Anyway, for now collecting her photos is a endless work, she's hard working(if you can call pose as a hard work, but... you know). PS: Listal isn't good page for collecting photos, you can just check what you skipped.
  21. I have just found out that i'm lazy compared to you I have nice collection too but it's a little... mess. Well if you have great upload speed you could share your folder, just suggestion(come on, do it! :D). Maybe i would check with mine and i could inform you if i have something in better resolution/more. Many of her photos(mostly photoshopped) has a great wallpaper potential. I'm searching something good. I've took one from your last post, but maybe i'll find something better(i preffer dark wallpapers).
  22. StasyQ #191 has a 8:55 lenght too. Just search for it, you'll find. These videos are the best "content" of her can't wait for more from said energizer. There's much more photographers you didn't post here. The best way to find them is searching on 500px page and galleries made by people(tagged as Anastasiya). Also i think that dates are unnecesary. You'll never know for sure, because some photos appear months after photoshoot.
  23. Yea i know these videos and they're on my list. Also it's not full video StasyQ by Said Energizer. 169 has like 20 min and 191 almost 9 if i remember correctly. PS: It's not one collection from Boris Bugaev, but two. He has 4 or 5 photoshoots with her.(again, if i remember correctly), you can find more on his VK.
  24. Guys, what about videos? There's a list i know(i'm not 100% sure about names of these videos): I've seen one short video more(few seconds), nothing special, and half hour interview but only in russian(no translation).
  25. To complete set(but in lower resoultion). I'm pretty sure there's all of her photos. Aleksandra Mart
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