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Everything posted by Megaton

  1. Great then! I knew you'll find something Maybe after your response with pics you found i'll share another pack of unknown source-photos, and some day we'll get them all, like pokemons! Wonder how many photos we didn't see because photographer(s) is not popular that much and we just can't find him. Anyway, there's a photo on her instagram with note: Maybe we'll get something new after these possible photoshoots. But no pressure, because we still don't know what happend with Alina Lebedeva workshop which we were waiting for. Aaand last thing, it's already at least few photos new on insta from some photoshoot, probably something with sacha leyendecker, but can't find anything.
  2. It's so sad ;( many days without new pics. Maybe could u guys help me with some random photos/sets? To find photographer, maybe more from set or... anything. @neurovibe, @wndmkr And for clarity, it's not all i have in folder named "others" where i don't know who made these photos. It's like dozens or even hundrets of random pictures but i don't wanna put them all in one post. DUPPLICATES(probably) 1. 7 photos: 2. Probably it's one set/photographer but not sure, it can be even 3 diffrent sets. and found one more similiar to them 3. "Olga Grebenkina" it's all i have. 4. 3 of these 5. Few of these: 6. I think i have something more than 1 pic but can't find right now: 4. Random/all diffrent
  3. I don't know why did you took it so personally. I didn't mean you're doing something wrong or anything u did think about writing this post That was just a "joke" and i was happy to find something new. Also for me everything is new stuff, which i didn't saw before even if it's from 2015y.
  4. @neurovibe, dups is all what we can get these days? Come on! We need some fresh stuff... like this Photographer: Andrey Zharov Source: 500px Res: 2048 nudity
  5. Yayy, new stuff with Nastya! And nooo! If she will go to jail we'll not have new photos I just saw this video on her instagram(teaser video exactly) and my first thought was about that movie "about love 2" - you know, scene in club
  6. That music video has 4 months and i see this now?! What else do you hiding @neurovibe?! Thanks for new ups! *When i see new Nastya's photos*
  7. This photo is from "about love 2" and it has a year but it's not the same movie? Few days ago i've found trailer of this movie which has also few days ago a premiere(so probably we need to wait few months until we get full movie or something), also a poster where she's not appear, so it's not a main role. Maybe this scene or some more it's all where she's on this movie. Anyway, found it again(trailer), and took 2 screencaps.
  8. Unknown photographer, posted her on instagram and vk, it's... interesting
  9. Guys, what about Alina Lebedeva workshop? It would be a month soon since it started and still nothing, can't find a single photo or information about it. Photographer: Ivan Gorokhov
  10. @Nebuchadnezzar you need to write a name of photographer when you sharing because we are always using search option to find duplicates. Anyway, i'll up this(and 2 more) again because your up has few pixels less for some reason. Photographer: Ivan Gorokhov Source: 500px
  11. I just spend a lot of time for searching better resolution/more photos of Marat Safin. There's still few more(4) with worse res like 600x900, but i think it's all we can get. Also i need to repeat myself. She's insane. Photographer: Marat Safin Dups, better res: New photos:
  12. I was checking if i have every photo from this post, compared resolutions etc. AND WOW. Where did you found this @neurovibe?! I Wan't this in 5k res Insane. Duplicates, better resolution of this set Photographer: Yulia Starostina Source: VK Res: 2560x1709, 1442x2160
  13. Photographer: Alina Rusanova Source: Flickr Res: 5472x3648 Source: Unknown(I'm updating my old folders and these i couldn't found now, so they're like unique :D) Res: 2560x1707 Source: Instagram Res: 1080 / 640
  14. Ok, second set is known for everyone but no one ever uploaded them all at once(or for fews - never), so i'll do it now. Unfortunately these are in very low res, maybe some one could find better.(maybe on their page but i've checked and i could get only worse quality(but i don't know @neurovibe tricks :D). Edit: I'm too lazy to order these photos by clothes, so i'm just adding them all in Video: CHIC New collection video (1080p_25fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4 Backstage Video: CHIC backstage _Summer wind_ (1080p_25fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4 Ph: Moscow Chic Source: VK Res: 600-700px SET 1
  15. *In waiting for new photos from Italy* Photographer: Sergey Maslov Source: VK
  16. Prepare yourself @neurovibe, because that day coming soon and finally we get some new photos PS: Someone has to find the way to downloading photos from 500 in full res, because some day we're going to replace these photos for better resolution ;/ For example these photos by Ivan are stock and should be probably in better res than 2048. PS2: I was writing this post also to share next photo by Ivan Gorokhov but when i've downloaded it i can't open it now. Can't up here too. I don't know if it's problem with my PC or another security from page 500px Edit: Found the way to download photos but still in 2048 px. Now i began to doubt that it's still posible to get higher res, maybe they just disable this posibility. Photographer: Ivan Gorokhov Source: 500px Res: 2048 Now it's 2 new photos
  17. So we just need to remove some "/" or "\" from link... annoying. And as above, i can only open photos in 2048 resolution, should be bigger like before. Photographer: DiSash.com Source: Page, instagram, vk Some good quality from page and some "instagram quality".
  18. Sometimes i still can't believe that she's real amazing Also, guys, how to download photos on 500px now? Because "2048" and copy link doesn't work anymore. Photographer: Irina Vlasenko Source: VK Res: 2400x1350 Second and last photos are dups with better res.
  19. Short video by Anatoly Kulikov: https://vk.com/video166322208_456239161 Some photos (VK, instagram)
  20. Photographer: Evgenia Zhitnikova Res: Big as f... ~3400x5000
  21. Photographer: Andrey Kudryashov Photographer: Alina Valitova Very low res ;(
  22. So drought here... It never should happen, few days without some Nastya's pics, shame on you guys I'll leave something to stop this madness I love second one. Photographer: Rene Ressing Source: Instagram Photographer: Marat Safin Bazilika Store
  23. MyMokondo Source: VK Probably dups, low quality: NEW PHOTOS, GREAT QUALITY
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